Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009
The Secret Life of GATOR

Once her new routine was ready, Lola decided to head north to start her new season of touring. She needed to catch the bus. And she needed to find a way to take Gator, the new star of the show!
Lola decided to head north in September of 2004. She bought a ticket on the first greyhound bus she could find headed to Providence, RI, where she was to headline at the World Famous Foxy Lady. The ad picture of her which ran in the local version of the Phoenix Paper clearly displayed an 8 inch alligator tied around her neck and attached to her spiked collar via means of a matching tiny spiked collar and connecting pink ribbon. It was verified by police during the original alligator sighting investigation to be Gator. The photo was troubling in the respect that Gator appeared to be smiling the whole time. Investigating officers said this image haunts them to this day.
Upon arrival in Providence, young Gator was a hit. Lola garnered rave reviews with her "Gator" move, and it became a surreal scene with guys lined up with $10 and $20 bills used to stuff Lola's g-string and having her SLAM her legs down on the guys hand to collect the cash. But as the days wore on Gator was having trouble adjusting. The ride north had been difficult, having to ride in Lola's large and crowded makeup case, and Gator nearly suffocated from the fumes of cherry flavored red lipstick Lola used during her stage performances. Gator vowed to never stow away on a bus again! In addition, Lola was paid for posing with Gator and male patrons for keepsake photo's at $25 a pop! Gator received none of this money either, and this was particularly rankling because Gator oft times had to endure unwanted involvement in various pornographic poses for pictures male patrons wanted taken between Lola and Gator. The absolute worst was being stroked, touched, and manhandled by drunken male patrons while Lola danced and posed. Later, a panel of experts would write a scathing report to the court on Gator's behalf , citing countless episodes of sexual abuse at the hands of scores of unknown male patrons and Lola, the one time friend and employer turned pimp. (Lola photo, middle-top)
As the days went by, and Gator's hunger grew, it was determined to fend for itself. It quickly found a culvert leading to the Fall River sewer system. In that sewer, Gator found rodents galore to finish off and eat. Gator started to enjoy the hunt, and soon was torturing prey before dispatching it with a whip of it's tail, just to get pleasure from watching it writhe in agony before dying. This became the fate of literally hundreds of Fall River rodents whose deaths the FRPD could directly tie to Gator after it's arrest. It may, in fact, have been thousands. Gator had become a vicious serial killer, with experts saying the sexual exploitation at the hands of Lola and drunken male patrons at such a young age was the most likely cause. Gator was full of rage and it wanted the world to feel it, one chewed off limb at a time!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Special ASS MUNCH Lifetime Achievement Award Goes To........

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Old Man Wisdom From The Porch

We,too,are part of this world

Thursday, October 15, 2009

These are the words of wisdom from Kevin Aguiar, Representative for the 7th Bristol District, House of Representatives. I'm so glad this guy is not MY representative.

This proposal by Warner will cost not an additional dime - the funds already exist and are sitting in TARP reserves. Commercial Banks were not helped by the TARP program, only Investment Banks. Commercial Banks were not the cause of the financial collapse, only Investment Banks. It seems only fitting that the principal engine that drives our local, regional and national economy, small business health and growth, be given a helping hand when it is needed. And we need it now, especially in Fall River.
This proposal is a no brainer. A program to make an alliance with Commercial Banks and already appropriated TARP funds to expand small business across the country is precisely the tool we need at the precise time it is needed. Local banks being able to make local loans, allowing local workers access to permanent, good paying jobs - who could be against this?
I'll keep watching developments with this proposal and will report back to you on a regular basis. If this City hopes to pull itself out of its unemployment horror and build not only its micro economy but its self esteem back to where our old timers remember, this type of program will be instrumental in making it happen. Now, real business development could happen, for the arts, for ethnic restaurants, for the Waterfront and to fill the Industrial Park. Maybe it's time to ask Barney Frank to support this effort as well. Like I said, it's a no brainer, and he's probably the smartest guy in Congress.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009
The inscrutible C.I.A.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
PROPOSED: To Create A City Department of Finance

As a result of the fact that the single greatest determinate of the ability of the City of Fall River to exist and succeed will be its capacity to manage and grow financial resources, I have devised what I believe would be the most efficient and effective organizational chart for the City going forward. I do this for the following reasons:
* Revenues into the City determine all budgetary decisions, hence the ability of the City to provide all of its services,
* Prior administrations have not paid sufficient attention to budget and revenue administration and growth, requiring intense and permanent efforts,
* The City will face numerous administrative issues related to non-finance areas to occupy the City Administrator for the foreseeable future.
I propose several actions:
First - Charter change to increase the term of Mayor to four (4) years, because constant fiscal pressures do not allow a Mayor to manage those issues sufficiently to bring about meaningful change within any single two (2) year period. In addition, have regional representation on the City Council with the current number of members unchanged, but with three (3) of those members elected "At Large", allowing for political coverage for all taxpayers and citizens of Fall River. The length of City Councillor terms to remain unchanged.
Second, create the position of Director of Budget and Finance/Treasurer, with all departments having any functional responsibility for City finance and property tax base generation to report to, and be directed by, this position, including Board of Assessors. It makes no sense to have the Board of Assessors , which has responsibility to complete administration of property valuations, which determine the City's tax revenues, not to report to this position. In addition, in order to coordinate the City's financial administration, which takes up the overwhelming number of data processing activity, and because I can envision additional internal financial management information needs arising, a Management Information Systems department will be created from what is currently Data Processing, and it also will report to the Director of Budget and Finance .
For far too long the City's finances have lacked the kind of concern and attention , and, to be frank, professionalism, needed by a City with a $200+ million budget and 90,000+ residents. A very rigorous job description will have to be written for this position, requiring a minimum of ten (10) years of similar professional municipal management experience, an MPA, MBA or MS in Accounting, and a minimum of five (5) years prior experience as a municipal treasurer in MA. There should NOT be a residency requirement for this position, in order to attract the most qualified candidate. Quite frankly folks, the local talent has OBVIOUSLY not been talented enough to do the job. That's just the fact of it. If you've got any proof to the contrary, make a comment, drop a line, tell me a story, you know, make your argument heard.
This Director of Budget and Finance position MUST report directly to the Mayor, NOT the City Administrator, to emphasize the need and importance of the position. Therefore, it must be paid commensurately with the other department positions reporting directly to the Mayor. The position must also be hired via a contract.
The creation of this Department of Finance should cost LESS than what we are currently spending because it does away with the needless Budget Coordinator position created under the current administration.
The organizational chart above probably misses some important non-financial functions, but they can easily be added. Also, the City Clerk and Elections Division probably must operate independently to ensure impartiality of elections and "personal" ( births, deaths, marriages) license matters, so that adjustment could easily be made. The main thrust is that in a City this size, with the permanent financial management issues Fall River has seemingly had for generations , there is a need to address these concerns now and in the future.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!