Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Who Knew - MC MITTMAN!!!!

Mitt Romney tells story, plane and simple

Boston Herald
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - Updated 42m ago
Former Gov. Mitt Romney didn’t bite last night when David Letterman asked him if he would run for president in 2012, but he finally came clean about his recent airplane altercation with rapper Sky Blu .
“A guy beat you up on the plane? Do I have this right?” the “Late Show” host asked the ex-gov about his flight from the Olympics to La-La.

“Not exactly right,” Romney said. “Well, there’s not a lot to add. The fellow in the seat in front of my wife put his seat back during the takeoff procedure, and, as we’ve all heard 10,000 times, ‘Please put your tray table and the seat back in the upright and locked position.’

“And so I tapped him on the shoulder and I reminded him of that direction, and he became somewhat agitated, and they removed him from the airplane and he didn’t like that, by the way, and gave me a good swat and he broke my hair,” joked Mitt, skipping Sky’s claim that the onetime Republican presidential hopeful put a “Vulcan grip” on his shoulder.

The Late Show” yakker, refusing to let go, held up a photo of the LMFAO rapper, and Romney quipped, “His name is Sky Blu - mine is Dull Gray. By the way, we’re friendly. He calls me his ‘homeboy’ now, and I’ll take him as a tax deduction on my income taxes.”

Mitt’s on a media blitz for his new book, “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness,” which drops today.

WOW! See what a little video tape can do....bring the great and wealthy to the truth, and it has set him free...I'm laughing as I write this.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about this incident on a plane between Mitt Romney and the rapper SKY BLU from the rap group LMFAO.  Original reporting on the story had Mr. Blu as the aggressor, mussing up poor Mitt Romney's $500 coif. But lo and behold, that report was NOT correct, and the truth started to leak out AFTER everyone learned there was a video tape of the incident...I'm laughing again...and THEN and only then did Mr. Romney's camp change their story about what happened.

I've got to hand it to Mitt....his well paid image crew did some damage doesn't look good, some leading Republican plutocrat on a plane man handling an African-American rapper with a huge , wild looking fro and then the rapper gets hauled of the plane.....Bad for your image, even if was just SO Freudian...I'm laughing again.....Oh yeah, I just bet they're homies now...I cannot stop laughing...

Can you just imagine how poor Mitt had to swallow his pride? Calls were made and eventually, the two combatants got on the phone and had a genial conversation by all accounts. All's well that ends well, I suppose. But, leave no doubt in your mind what happened here. A man who will  be running for the office of President put his hands on a man of color in anger, in an imperious manner. Damage control was the issue here, pure and simple. These two are NOT homies, no matter how either one tries to spin this.

It was an unfortunate and ugly incident.  It is one that will stay in mind as he goes from location to location making his speeches on the campaign stump. And I'm sure that video will be played a thousand times when the campaign gets into it's final stages because Mitt is the man for the Republicans in 2012. (Palin is a punch line, not a viable candidate.) But I personally will always remember THIS picture (below), which is even more frightening. Mitt trying to reason with an alien named YODA DOGG. By the look of that get up and with  a name like that it's probably a galactic rapper and most likely a mix of Parliment Funkadelic and NWA. Who'd a thunk it...MC MittMan! Get down with ya bad self Mitt!


  1. Good for Mitt!
    Wish he would put his vulcan hands around some folks in the hood.

  2. soon as he gets back from Venus , I'm sure he'll look into that!


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