Friday, July 30, 2010

More Casino Bill Updates

Some meat on those shaky bones!

gaming: the dicey illusion


By Jim O’Sullivan

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, JULY 30, 2010…..... A gambling bill agreement Senate President Therese Murray and House Speaker Robert DeLeo were preparing to announce Friday evening sanctions two slot machine licenses open to competitive bid among the state’s four racetracks and three casinos split by geographic region, while empowering the governor to negotiate with Native American tribes to settle their legal claims before casino licenses are bid.

Casino licenses would go for $85 million. Two-tiered slots licenses would fetch $20 million and $25 million, respectively, contingent on the number of machines.
The gambling breakthrough requires casino operators to spend $600 million to qualify, with $100 million for slots licenses allowing for 1,000 machines and $125 million for facilities with 1,250 machines. The higher racino threshold applies only if the licenses are in different regions.

From the licensing fees, $100 million would go to the state’s main savings account, $77.5 million would go to a local aid reserve account, $20 million would pay for gambling mitigation programs, and $20 million would fund a regulatory commission’s launch. According to a summary of the bill, the destination of another $77.5 million was to be determined by the House.
All annual revenues from slots would go toward local aid. Of the remaining gaming revenues, 30 percent – estimated at roughly $120 million – would fund local aid, 60 percent would be split evenly among education, economic development, savings and debt reduction, and the remainder would go toward community, social and cultural economy mitigation.
It remains unclear whether Gov. Deval Patrick will sign the legislation. (LIKE HELL IT IS!... editorial comment)

The bill would create special State Police and attorney general’s office units to enforce gambling laws.
The regulatory commission would be run by appointees of the governor, attorney general and treasurer, with required experience in law enforcement and finance, “among other areas,” according to the summary.
Gambling facilities would have to enter into compacts with host communities and “any other impacted communities,” the summary said.

Senate President Pro Tempore Stanley Rosenberg said late Friday the bill would be filed by 8 p.m. Friday, allowing a Saturday vote in both branches.

With many thanks to my informed friend!

I hate to say I told you so, but...........

For the past several days I have written that we are all being taken for a ride by the House and Senate leadership, and the Governor himself, concerning the contrived controversy related to the passage of a Gaming Bill for Massachusetts. Truly, this has been the theater of the absurd to make each party to the agreement look less "guilty" prior to the upcoming election this fall. They get the benefit of saying they voted in favor of increased funds, especially Local Aid, for Cities and Towns while decrying the known and expected negative impacts with which legalized gambling is associated . They will hit the campaign trail and will talk about the difficult moral decision, between jobs for citizens and the expected increases in addictions and crimes that gambling brings. Oh my, so difficult indeed. HA! They did as they were told. We all know this, so let's stop this charade!

This morning I called into WSAR and voiced the very things I have been writing about related to this horrendous display of bad acting  going on  at our state legislature.  I was asked by Cathy Viverios if I thought the legislature would finish the Gaming Bill on time or should they stay and extend the session. I said passage was guaranteed, that the leadership probably already had reservations down on Cape Cod or  elsewhere for family vacations and would not break their plans prior to electioneering for what were, for the most members, easy reelection campaigns for the fall, hence everything would get done on time.

A few minutes later I was sent a notice from a friend that stated there was tentative agreement between the House and Senate. So I called WSAR back with the information just after 11:30 A.M. When appraised of the situation, Cathy Ann Viverios and George Colajazzi asked when I thought there would be a final announcement of a formal agreement. I said it would make sense to have it announced around 5:30 to 6:oo P.M. for inclusion in television news programs.


Haddad at 5 p.m. says casino compromise
 reached; details coming at 6 p.m

By Will Richmond and Associated Press
GateHouse News Service
Posted Jul 30, 2010 @ 11:16 AM
Last update Jul 30, 2010 @ 05:04 PM

5 p.m. Haddad: Casino compromise reached; details at 6 p.m

BOSTON — State Rep. Patricia Haddad said an agreement has been reached on a casino package and a press conference has been called for 6 p.m.

Haddad said details of the agreement were not immediately available. Reports have indicated the compromised package will allow for three resort-style casinos and slot parlors at two of the state's four race tracks.

3:45 p.m. Haddad says casino deal imminent

BOSTON - State Rep. Patricia Haddad, D-Somerset, said an agreement on a casino bill is “imminent.”

“It’s really imminent, we’re very aware of the 8 p.m. deadline,” Haddad, the House’s assistant majority whip, said in a phone interview with The Herald News at 3:30 p.m.

The bill must be filed by 8 p.m. in order to allow the House and Senate to debate and vote on before the end of the legislative session at midnight Saturday.

She said a 2/3 procedural vote could extend the 8 p.m. deadline and that the votes likely exist to do so. However, she said “I don’t think anyone wants to cut it that close.”

“The conference committee is working very hard on this and is close to a resolution,” Haddad said. “I’m very optimistic something will get done.”

Haddad declined to comment on any details of the bill, though reports have indicated the committee is considering a package that would license three resort-style casinos and two slot parlors at racetracks.

“I hesitate to do that (release details) because anytime you think something’s solid, until it’s on paper I just hesitate,” Haddad said.

What should trouble you about all of this is that the entire enterprise of this Gaming Bill and the Casino project appears, from start to finish, to have been WIRED. Also, for it to be so predictable is a sham and a shame. I do have my sources at the State House, that should be obvious. My only advice to those of you who are concerned about the impacts of this bill in Fall River is to try to find out how many employees of the Fall River casino ( and I am CERTAIN one will be sited here) are relatives of Fall River elected officials or members of the FROED Board of Directors,  family of the Chamber of Commerce members, or family members of the Redevelopment Authority. Certainly, it will also be very useful to see which of our local banks and financial institutions will be utilized to provide short and long term construction financing and operating capital. This way, you will have leverage to use once the rates of violent crime, drug addiction, prostitution and gambling addicitons skyrocket after the facility opens.

 God save Fall River.


Thanks to a fellow traveler with the same feelings in regards to the Destination Casino, we have been informed that the House and Senate have reached tentative agreement to allow three casino's, according to three defined geographic areas, and two slot parlors to be bid between the four existing race tracks in Massachusetts.

You heard it here first!

But the photo spread in the Herald News should be SPECTACULAR!

Fall River's backlog of abatement
checks draws criticism
By Michael Holtzman
Herald News Staff Reporter
Posted Jul 29, 2010 @ 09:21 PM
FALL RIVER — Ruth Steger, one of 260 property owners the Board of Assessor’s awarded abatements this year, said she’s waited three months to receive her $310.07 refund check.

While officials said Thursday an “emergency check” would be processed early next week through the tax collector’s office, Steger said she’s received “a complete runaround” amid conflicting reports about the process and the problem.

“I understand that the department is understaffed, but this is now double the time that I was told when I called in May,” Steger, of 3865 N. Main St., wrote in an e-mail.

“When I called the mayor’s office on Monday, I was told that it was the first time that they had heard that there was a problem, which I find hard to believe,” she said.

Steger said when she read an account Thursday about the number of abatements awarded, “I thought I couldn’t be the only one that hadn’t gotten their money back.”

Nelia Oliveira, the tax collection head clerk, said she’s processed “a good 40” abatements approved by the assessors this year.

That fraction of the total approved is not extraordinary, Oliveira said, because of the process to ensure taxes have been paid and posted to each account and funds are owed to a particular owner at a given address.

To ensure this process, she said any property owner receiving an abatement needs to file a refund request form with the collector’s office. That would happen after the Board of Assessors notifies the owner of their abatement award, Oliveira said.

In some cases, owners seek credits on current or future bills she said. “All my tax refunds are done up to date.”

Steger, who’s owned her duplex for six years just south of Shaw’s supermarket, said she’s had “three or four” conversations with the collector’s office and left a message last week that was not returned.

Calling first in early May, she said the collector’s office had verified her information and said she was due the $310 abatement. Steger said this was the first time she was told about the collector’s refund form.

She filed two sets of different forms to seek abatement. When the assessor’s sent the award, there was no mention of filing a refund form with the tax collector, she said. This was also her second time receiving an abatement since 2008 because of retainer wall damage at the complex.

“How am I supposed to know that you need to do that?” Steger asked. She also questioned why she never received that information in prior phone calls.

Apparently, the two departments involved with this process are not on the same page.

“There is no refund form needed because the bill and the refund are going to the exact same place,” said Lorrie Gagne, head clerk in the assessor’s office, who processes the abatements.

“It’s not just one call. We get a lot of calls about refund checks and where are they,” Gagne said. They refer callers to the tax collector’s office.

Gagne said she referred this problem Thursday to the office of Treasurer David Grab, who oversees both departments as financial services director.

The assessor’s and collector’s offices have been without a department head for over a month since Mayor Will Flanagan fired both officials.

A new assessor will take the office Monday and a tax collector should be hired by mid-August, Flanagan said.

Grab was in a meeting late Thursday and not available for comment. Government Center has been closed Fridays for more than a year because of budget cuts and reduced work days.

That’s why the earliest Oliveira said a special refund could be processed was early next week.

She said that three or four weeks ago Grab reinstituted the policy that the assessor’s office issues the refund forms. She said some policies had been changed during two years under the prior department head.

Initially, Steger said she was told in early May it would be five or six weeks to receive payment. Two weeks ago the collector’s office said they could not process checks because accounting was being closed for the end of the fiscal year, she said.

When Oliveira called her back Thursday and she learned the collector’s office required a refund abatement form, she was incredulous.

Steger said when she talked with Oliveira about her abatement “she was going to mail me some paperwork to fill out.” Later in the conversation, “she made a call and said they’re going to cut me a check Monday or Tuesday,” Steger said.

Oliveira confirmed that account, saying she took that step “because of the situation.”
E-mail Michael Holtzman at

Yes it appears  the "MEAN GIRLS" administration's monumentally incompetent and completely politically motivated decisions to gut the City of Fall River's financial team's department heads virtually at the same time has left financial departments rudderless  like a bloody, dying flounder hooked through the gills, flopping about on the City's equally fallow waterfront . No way to get a breath, no way to find their way back to the deep sea of safety called ability. Yes Mayor Flanagan, YOU and no one else but YOU are to blame for this mess.

This is what comes of flitting around the City with the Herald News reporter and photographer in tow to every conceivable photo-op you can possibly find, instead of rolling up your sleeves and personally solving the long entrenched problems within this City's financial and administrative management. You have shown NO inclination or desire to do so.

 Admit it Tumbleweed, you do not know how, you haven't the background or the skill set necessary to do so. Yet another young and arrogant lawyer who thinks themselves smarter than everyone else with the ability to solve every problem. It's not true Bag-Boy, not true at all. And your answer to these issues which have become measurably WORSE in the seven (7) months you've been in office is non-existent. You are betting (no pun intended) that the Destination Casino will hurl you into a invulnerable position with City voters. You might be able to fool the meme's and vuvu's of Fall River, but you cannot fool educated and employed citizens any longer. They expect results. But what they get are these hideous stories of institutional failure concerning things that are done so easily in municipalities surrounding this City and in places where they have lived before. Admit it Mayor Flanagan, you don't know what you are doing! And neither does Ratso Rizzo Torres.

Could it be you mis-timed the firings of your finance department heads? Could it be that you should have offered a salary to the City Accountant to keep  him in office at least until the books were closed for FY2010, and allowing him to take the School position after that? I mean, you ARE Chairman of the School Committee, you could have made that happen! Maybe you should have spent the funds to hire a real Finance Director, one with experience, rather than a man who has never served as either Treasurer or Finance Director prior to being here? And please, do not try to convince Fall Riverites that qualified people with unblemished track records want to come to work in Fall River , with all of it's known monumental problems, AND take cuts in pay to do so, just to have a chance to work with you and your miniature assassin, Torres. That dog won't hunt, Mr. Mayor, and only life long, uneducated fools within this City's boundaries believe it. Only broken people come to work in broken down places when the pay is lower than what a good executive secretary makes in the private sector. Most people in Fall River have NO CLUE what qualified professionals make, and it's not the low wages offered across the board in Fall River. Like one commenter on the HN is fond of saying, "you pay peanuts and you get monkeys!".

If the City utilized the software package it owns to it's fullest extent your finance department employees would not be lost in this needless labyrinth of manual record keeping between departments completely dependent upon paper flow,  in place of computer generated postings and check cutting. How positively Byzantine! The City can no longer afford to run itself like it's a mom and pop corner store. Fall River is a quarter billion dollar business being run with ten cent logic. It's therefor bound to have these ridiculous and anachronistic problems. Oh, that's right, you just fired the IT Manager because he refused to bow down and be a Flanagan bum kisser. Not everyone in Fall River can play that role as well as the Herald News.

This City will not get a Tax Rate for FY2011 very easily. And when that time comes
I wouldn't want to be Mr. Grab. You and I both know Mayor Flanagan will not step up and take full repsonsibility for the condition in which he's left the City's finances. There are no Profiles in Courage in the finance department, as we saw  months ago, and now that includes the entirety of the MEAN GIRLS administration.

But the photo spread in the Herald News should be SPECTACULAR!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are you really surprised ?!

Hook 'em early, right Deval?

Patrick yields ground on casino bill,
 says one slot parlor OK

 July 29, 2010 05:26 PM
 By Noah Bierman, Globe Staff
In a significant shift in his public position, Governor Deval Patrick said this afternoon that he would sign a casino gambling bill with one slot parlor and three full-scale casinos if legislators agreed to break a "logjam" on other unrelated measures.

Patrick has previously said he opposed slot parlors at racetracks and reiterated Wednesday that they would not provide as much economic benefit as full-scale casinos. But, in challenging the Legislature today, he said he was willing to accept one slot parlor if it was competitively bid and the process was transparent, provided legislators move about a half dozen bills -- including some related to crime, health care costs and economic development -- in the final 48 hours of the session.

Patrick delivered the message to legislative leaders in person late this afternoon, followed by a gaggle of reporters, moving quickly from his office to House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo's office, then to the Senate chamber, where he spoke with Senate President Therese Murray.

Sources have told the Globe that legislative negotiators have been discussing authorizing, along with three casinos, two slot parlors that may be housed either at the state's four racetracks or elsewhere. They have not announced a deal publicly. Patrick said he would not support two slot parlors.

"I'm at one, if I go there at all," he said.

He said that "ideally" the bidding would be open to venues beyond racetracks, but he did not rule out a four-way competition between the four racetracks in the state.

It is unclear how lawmakers will respond.

With the clock ticking down towards the end of the legislative session on Saturday, House and Senate negotiators have been unable to come up with a compromise bill to expand gambling in the state.

DeLeo, Murray, and Patrick all support expanded gambling in Massachusetts, but the devil has been in the details. DeLeo, whose district includes two struggling racetracks, wanted to allow slot machines at the racetracks. Murray was initially opposed to slots at the tracks, but has appeared increasingly open to compromise. Patrick has consistently opposed slots at the tracks.

An aide briefed on the negotiations told the Globe on Wednesday that the House and Senate had agreed to add some slots, but differed on where. DeLeo argued that only racetracks should be allowed to bid for the licenses; Murray wanted to allow others to bid, but would give a preference to racetracks.


Can you honestly say you are surprised by this? Is it possible that we have all been subject to a great hoax with this latest version of elected official Kabuki Theater? Do you think the Legislature AND Gov. Patrick had to make this entire effort SEEM difficult to avoid as much negative voter feedback possible in this year's election? I'm beginning to think that's precisely what has been happening for the last six months since Speaker of the House DeLeo first started to seriously discuss his plan to have both slots and casinos in Massachusetts.

Look at the  last minute trips taken by the MA Senate's most important members of leadership to a race track in Kentucky (Churchill Downs) the very week gaming might be legalized by their vote! Or that Gov. Patrick goes on a "visit" with MA troops overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan just before the end of the legislative session, then returns calling for an extension of the session to "get the people's work done!" Theater of the absurd is what it is, simply dullard drama, contrived controversy.

Why go anywhere if so many pieces of "critical" legislation remain unsettled and unpassed? You and I both know that's not what happened. Who are they trying to kid? They will pass casino gambling with one or two "racino's" or race track's with slot machines. Everyone understood going into this discussion how badly DeLeo wanted race track slot machines to help fund the race track in his home district, Suffolk Downs, at a minimum, and possibly one other troubled track owned by an influential friend of many in the legislature ( Mr. Carney , owner of Raynham Park).

With the Governor dead set against any track slots, or so he says, the stage was set to give the press the illusion of a tough negotiation, when, in fact, I believe the parameters of what will be the final legislation have been in place since before the Governor left for his overseas trip. For all we know the House and Senate leadership have spent a majority of their time in "conference" deciding the fate of the other critical legislation needing passage by the end of the term, not to mention the monies usually appropriated for pet projects during late night, end of the session spending sprees when no one is watching and which in the past have been both shocking and legendary. The republicans can shout all they want...they don't have enough votes to stop this end of session freight train!

 The legislature is just like a back alley in an urban area....nothing good can happen there after midnight !

A question about City finances? MY, I'm late for that photo-op!

Flanagan names new city assessor


By Michael Holtzman
Herald News Staff Reporter
Posted Jul 28, 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Last update Jul 29, 2010 @ 04:34 AM

FALL RIVER — A city resident with nearly 30 years in the field will start Monday as the new administrator of assessing, Mayor Will Flanagan said.

He’s hired Richard Gonsalves, who’s leaving his job since 2007 as Wareham’s assessor. He worked prior to that in a similar post in Seekonk for eight years.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., and is an accredited assessor.

His salary will be $80,292 before accepting a required 8 percent cut this budget year to bring his pay to $73,868 with four weeks of vacation.

“He’s taking a pay cut to come here and work in his home town,” Flanagan said. He said it was the same rate as prior Assessor Pamela Davis.

Flanagan fired Davis and Tax Collector Shannon Lyonnais on June 17. He cited complaints concerning assessments toward the assessor’s office and untimely filing of tax payments in the second office for the dismissals.

He expressed optimism Gonsalves will improve a department that city councilors, then Flanagan, criticized.

Two other vacant jobs in the financial services department, tax collector and auditor, need to be finalized.

Flanagan said he was hopeful a new tax collector would be hired by the second or third week in August, while the auditor’s job is being re-advertised after the person chosen declined the job.

According to Human Resources Director Madeline Coelho, the city received about 30 applications for the three jobs, some candidates seeking more than one post.

For assessor, there were only two applying for the head job, and another two applying for both assessor and tax collector, Coelho said.

Coelho, Flanagan and City Administrator Shawn Cadime interviewed nine tax collector candidates and six for auditor.

There was one in-house candidate, and Coelho declined to name the person.

A lack of municipal auditing experience for that job caused the city to reopen the search, Coelho said.

She is contacting auditing departments at cities and towns in the state.

The city’s auditor of 3½ years, Kevin Almeida, left at the beginning of the month to accept a promotion as finance manager with the school department. He’s been working one day a week on the municipal side.

The school department job pays $85,000 and does not include an 8 percent pay cut.

Salary ranges for the three municipal jobs start at $65,636, increasing to $82,292 for assessor and auditor and to $84,170 for tax collector.

The issuing of proper assessments and changes in the assessor’s department generated discussion at Tuesday night’s City Council Real Estate Committee meeting.

Laura Redmond of 735 Hanover St., who successfully appealed her property valuation, sought another review of her situation.

Giving the committee a stack of property valuations, she said they showed “great disparities” in values.

“It’s still over-assessed,” Redmond said of her property, attributing problems to inspectors’ reports.

Her Hanover Street property assessment was reduced on April 12 from $282,500 to $260,200, saving about $300 on this year’s taxes, a assessor’s clerk said.

The department received 539 abatement applications and approved 260, just under half, Assistant Assessor Bruce Lane said. The total requests were slightly higher than most years, he said.

City Councilor Eric Poulin said he told Flanagan the assessor’s department “needs to go in a new direction,” a stance council Vice President Linda Pereira echoed.

The committee tabled Redmond’s request pending a new assessor being hired and further discussion.

“What impressed me,” Flanagan said of his interviews with Gonsalves, “was his goal of the office is to treat people courteously and answer the public’s questions.”

He said the assessor planned to offer citizens an educational program on how property values are calculated.

Gonsalves listed 17 years of tax bills going out on time in the communities he worked.
E-mail Michael Holtzman at


You see this picture? It's included in Today's edition of the Fall River Herald News (HN).  It's emblematic of all the things I've been saying about the condition of the City and  the Flanagan administration's commitment to fix the long term problems facing Fall River in the administration of it's finances and it's departments of government.

While Fall River dances dangerously close to municipal bankruptcy and total administrative failure, Mayor Flanagan continues to care more about getting his face in the HN for "happy news" articles, like the one above related to finding a long lost Diploma,  than he does in hiring qualified people to fix the problems that the DOR and every auditor this City has ever hired for the last 30 years has written about at length.

No, let's all hit the streets and look at bad paintings and eat fast food in his name. Let's all see our money spent on Internet radio that will spin his achievements, as  light as they are, into non-stop broadcast propaganda. Let's watch as he goes to a photo op for the opening of a single clam while the City cannot find sufficient qualified candidates to fill the City Accountant position. There is no photo op he won't stop for, yet no position of financial management that has candidates willing to come here and work for him because of the rumors of interference and unprofessionalism.

Yes, let's all hail the Photo-Op King and his propaganda arm the HN for making the citizens of Fall River crave their summer cotton candy of fluffy, sugary crap, of photo's that are the equivalent of circus bears dancing in a field of daisy's, all for your entertainment and to keep your mind on this show instead of what the Flanagan administration is unable and/or unwilling to do, and the things he simply cannot do.

I for one, know he cannot make the City work in any real sense. He is surrounded by a greedy collection of Grifters( here used as a sarcastic term of endearment for this story), as he himself is one, of a sort, taking your money and your authority to make he and his cabal of buddies and advisors very, very cozy indeed, and positioned to rake in the dough. He cannot attract talented people from well run communities to come here at all. The rumors about this City in all branches of public finance are legendary. NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE, who is recognized by those who know who can perform and who are merely professional pretenders will recommend colleagues to come to work for this City. The pay is far too low and the aggravation from dealing with uninformed, meddling elected officials will keep them away in droves. 

The recent hire of a new Chief Assessor is exactly a case in point. He is a known quantity in the business. Not spectacular, in fact, not noticeable. His character has been described as very quiet, very deferential, compliant and, unfortunately, "PLIABLE". That last word scares me to death. PLIABLE...meaning willing to do exactly what his appointing authority (Mayor Flanagan) desires , not what the law requires of his oath. Here we go again, potential oath breaking and secret hiding by a home town lad who just wants to come home. This is getting old folks.

This guy is a known quantity. The last two places he's worked are absolutely not known as paragons of financial administration. In fact, they could easily be declared disasters, and have been so in the past. Hardly what I'd call a ringing endorsement or a hopeful development. Maybe his resume should have included the "hook" line of "willing to relocate and march in place". I don't know about you folks, but after a career in public service, I wouldn't be crazy over hiring a guy who is willing to take a pay cut on the twilight of his years of service, one who is rather "Casper Milk-toasty", and bendable at just the right moments. This does not bode well for an administration whose top officials have absolutely no clue what they are doing in running City Hall and it's finance team. They, I think, are desirous of hiring those who will do their bidding, things like cover up bad revenue estimates on which budgets were based, cover up FY 2010 deficits and budget overspending, in the General Fund and other funds, and fill in the blanks on the pages of the Tax Rate Recap Sheet in a way to accomplish all of the above. Another hire to serve as mouthpiece to DOR for tax rate approval...and another patsy to take the blame when things fall apart. If it wasn't so down right predictable it would be sad.

Of course, the stated achievement of having sent out tax bills on time for 17 years is dubious at best. That is because all the Assessor has to do is valuate property and have those valuations certified for inclusion by the DOR. Everything else depends on the smooth and timely functioning of the City Accounting Officer, the Treasurer, the Tax Collector and City Clerk. Their summary information is handed to the Assessor to plug into a computerized Tax Rate Recap Sheet. Then it goes to DOR for approval of the tax rate. Printing and sending out tax bills is a simple procedure after that. A trained monkey could do it.  Many communities have outside firms do it for them. Take my word for it as a former municipal Finance Director and certified Assessor, I know.

The picture Flanagan and his Grifters want to project is one of competence by not ever discussing what is going on within the administration. Have you any idea of what the tax collection rate is this year when compared to past years at this point? Did we meet the revenue totals that were projected for FY 2010, a figure that should easily have been determined by this time, since the books, by law, had to be closed on July 15, and no later? Has anyone in the Grifter administration mentioned a word about it? How about worker morale?I hear  it's not much better than when his predecessor was trying to use the HN to track down insiders who might be commenting on the stories in the HN itself? There are many unhappy people toiling away at City Hall and Fiola and Torres are angrily threatening folks at the drop of a hat...those are the rumors constantly floating around from within at City Hall. Employees are overworked and underpaid by an administration that resents having to take their own medicine, the medicine they expect all other employees to swallow happily. Talk about talentless hypocrites.

So while Grifter#1 runs all over Fall River having his chubby face presented next to a blooming orchid plant outside of your local Stop and Shop for a photo op, the City has to do a phone poll to find willing, qualified candidates to fill the City Accountant job to close the City's books after the bank accounts and accounts receivables haven't been reconciled for , I'd guess, at least the last nine months. Forget it folks, only someone about to be fired is going to take a cut in pay to work in a crap hole that is the City of Fall River's finance team under this collection of unqualified leaders, Flanagan and his Grifters. It's not going to happen, and that means DOR will be saying BAADDDDDD THINGSSSSSS come December when a real tax rate has to be determined and no tax revenues are coming in....YET AGAIN.

Let's see...Tax Collector? Again, word spreads quickly in the business, and no outsider except a very desperate person will come here to work for Fall River. My bet is that someone tied to the adminsitration or a FROED member will be appointed to the job. Oh, I think they have someone picked out, and I think most people will see the selection as a patronage, hack job, which is why it's not yet being announced.

By the way Mr. Grab...have you figured out yet who the spy is in your office?....if you haven't, you're even dumber than I gave you credit for...another stellar hire by this Mayor...opps, time for another Photo-Op!


Just something to consider as we rush pell mell into our LOVE for the "Destination Casino". Don't forget, all other things being equal, more profits equals more jobs, and fewer profits equals fewer jobs. Something to keep in mind.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Flash: Mohegan Gaming Authority Announces 50% Decline In 3rd Quarter Profits

Feather News

The Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority reported a 50 percent decline in profits for the months of April through June compared to the same three-month period last year.

In its third quarter report issued today, MTGA reported profits (net income) of $11.6 million. These profits do not take into account distributions to the Tribal government. While the report does not detail the distributions for the three-month period, the report estimated that distributions to the Tribal government for the 12 months of fiscal year 2010 would be $59 million.

MTGA officials attributed the decline in part to a lower hold percentage in table games.
The Tribe's Pocono Downs racino in Pennsylvania continues to lose money when taking into account the hefty interest expenses associated with that facility.

Hot Rumor of the Day

Executive Branch of the Flanagan Administration : The MEAN GIRLS

Today's MEAN GIRL moment -

We hear through the grapevine that the Community Development Director was directly threatened with the end of his job for statements he made to the Fall River Herald News regarding  the MEAN GIRLS true position over the "Y", and it's original decision to cancel the City's end of the project. Seems something very political was lost in translation, especially when the MEAN GIRLS panicked that they looked bad to the more intelligent voters in Fall River and decided to back track a bit on their position. "Dude, you was set up by the MEAN GIRLS!"....another day, another convenient patsy to blame. When will the bullying MEAN GIRLS of the Flanagan Administration ever learn?!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coincidence? I doubt it!

Wow! Think things happen entirely by accident in this world? Personally, I don't believe so. Just look at what my counterpart with the Wampanoag Tribe wrote today!

This appeared on his blog, called "REELWAMPS - An inside look at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe"  about his tribe and the recent activity by Chief Cromwell and his minions to attempt to out his identity as the powers that be in his particular neighborhood grow worried as do the clowns over here in Fall River, all over the same major issue, the " Destination Casino ".

It's just too coincidental to be unrelated...and don't forget, they might be getting information on how to deal with "truth telling bloggers" from the same desperate people...ENJOY, because I sure did!


  An inside look at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting nervous, are they?

A guy I know gave me a "heads up" this morning. Seems that some folks are still trying to figure out who I am. Well, I'm Ebenezer, I reckon, and that should be good enough for anybody; it's good enough for me. Some people in the Tribe, particularly those now in power and their allies, have been fretting about my revelations of truth and no-holds-barred blogging. I have, however, become rather paranoid about those who would seek to discover my identity, and with good reason, as I will explain.

The present regime is, to be frank, the visible part of a political machine that is fueled by greed and vindictiveness, a group bent on seizing and holding power in order to enrich themselves no matter what the cost to the Tribe members at large. The invisible part is well known to locals, and they aren't fooling anybody. Everybody knows the story of the woman who was having an illicit affair with Glenn Marshall, and how when he came to his senses she turned on him; and how in "she-devil" fashion" sought to destroy him and his family. Not that he was totally innocent.

She and her minions, a group of females from a family from Santuit, her "husband," and a few others in the Tribe conspired to bring down Glenn and anyone connected with him. They got help from the Cape Cod Times, where our "she-devil" was a columnist, and from a blogger and cable TV ranter named Peter Kenney. [Last time I saw him, he was coming out of Amelia Bingham's drive. Where is he now?] I assure you, these people will stop at nothing to preserve their power. Oh, they will smile and pretend to be willing to listen, but don't believe it. Here in Mashpee we have an expression about someone "patting you on the back and pissing on your leg." Cromwell & Co. are masters at it.

As long as they hold power, I have reason to fear their dirty tricks, their bodyguards (armed or not) and their smear machine. As for Hammond Bearse, I'll leave it up to him, but I will recommend he stay anonymous, at least until we can extract this festering carbuncle from our tribal body. Oh, and I will be willing to "come out," but on certain conditions which I will outline in a later post. See you at the Pond...

Posted by Ebenezer Attaquin at 8:38 PM
Coincidence? I don't think so! Desperate people do desperate things to stop free speech.


I love this know you must be pretty close to the bone when the powers that be try to write a comment to ATTEMPT to scare a you for the truth you speak, or in the most recent example, a few cartoons and captions under the heading "tongue- planted- firmly- in- cheek" which, in jest, you sarcastically point out a few foibles of Tumbleweed Flanagan's handy work.

This is what I can tell you. The members of the FROED Board of Directors, the Chamber of Commerce, the Redevelopment Authority and, most of all, The Tumbleweedster himself, would like to see this Blog disappear overnight. It's not going to happen. So get used to it. If you clowns, and one clown in particular, spent more time trying to actually fix the administrative and financial problems that have existed in the City of Fall River for decades, instead of flitting around the City at every conceivable photo-op, or his minions every attempt over the course of the last 2 months to intimidate me from publishing the truth about this sad joke of an City administration, the City would be in a much better position.

Instead, the machine behind this bag-boy of a mayor, who has shown absolutely ZERO ability to plan a substantive, pro-active and meaningful change in the way this City is managed, attempts to act like bullies to people who they cannot control. I expect it from these churls because that's how most people originally from Fall River react to such intimidation. Not me. I'm Irish, so it just serves to make my commitment even stronger.

Every couple of days these idiots have sent me threatening comments, and I learned from the last experience simply to edit them from existence. But it has been constant, and now includes substantial personal information. What, you morons think I'm going to out myself by getting upset and publishing your stupid remarks , then answering them in public? You idiots don't realize I can answer them in public without printing your childish taunts, or your lawyer-like threats, like you are sending a dunning letter? BAHAHAHA! You legal beagles just are not as smart as you try to paint yourselves to be. That's been obvious by the legal opinions the City has been none to successful with, such as the "Sewer Fee is illegal" or the "anti-strip joint" missives.

You can always tell the true moral compass of people who try to hamstring free speech or bully those whose opinions they want to stop. And you can also tell the proximity to the truth  things are that you are saying by the "powers that be's" reaction to those opinions. Just look at how the administration reacted to the lone wolf who refused to take an 8% pay cut. He was fired out of hand once the children running the City decided to mete out some payback because they themselves were shamed into accepting a pay cut out of political necessity. So they publicly throttle a man making the whopping sum of $50,000 per year, and who runs their underfunded and antiquated IT operation.  Oh yes, and they haven't STARTED taking the cut yet...they are only PLANNING to take it. But because they have to eventually take the cut, they react like a collection of "MEAN GIRLS" and have an urge to GET EVEN with the very first person who decides enough is enough.

Well, this is an open message to FROED, and the Chamber, to the Redevelopment Authority, to Fiola the Fraud and the entire administration of the glorified, glad handing Grocery Bag-Boy as Mayor. You cannot stop this blog. I will not stop writing this blog. Grow up and start working on this City's real and actual problems and stop being threatened by the truth. You and some  readers of this blog can say you don't like the way things are said from time to time, but none of you can say that what is being said is not true! And beg, borrow and steal a sense of humor. Those picture vignettes are part and parcel of political satire. You are all public figures, so get used to it.

Threaten me with the equivalent of a dunning letter indeed.  Tell you what....why don't you folks reveal this information in public, under your real names, if you feel the things I write are so far off the mark and such a threat to the public? Yeah...thought so.

Nothing will prevent me from informing the public what I believe to be the truth. The current administration is committed to only looking like it's doing something, and to endless photo-ops. It has neither the ability nor the inclination to improve the financial or administrative management of the City of Fall River, and will deal with both issues only when forced to by emergency. The powers that be, the monied and power interests in the City, represented by the Board members of FROED, the RA and the Chamber of Commerce, aided by the control of the two local news outlets, the Herald News and WSAR, are going along for the power ride and making plans to back Tumbleweed Flanagan for some future higher office, what that could be one has to seriously doubt. It's all about the dollar bill.  Follow the money, just follow the money. Search to find out who is getting the development and grant contracts, and who is making campaign contributions to who. Look to see who ends up going to work for the Wampanoags or companies related to the Casino and/or Bio-Park. And most of all, press the Flanagan administration to bring about REAL change in the crime rate, the MCAS scores and graduation rates, in eradicating gangs and drug use, and providing forward looking  and emerging technology based jobs of the future, all of which he pledged to do while running for mayor less than a year ago. Press him about his promises and press him hard. You need to hear the truth from him, not just me.

Do your jobs as citizens of Fall River. Make a difference in your own lives. And push back against the bullies. Today they threaten me. Tomorrow, it will be you. How do I know this? Ask the IT manager!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A new gaming sensation!!!!

With just a little imagination and toungue planted firmly in cheek, you too can join in the fun of Fall River's favorite new parlor game "What the heck were they saying?". Join in, anyone can play! It's giving gaming in Fall River a whole new name!

Act 1, Scene 1
Hey, Ken Fiola? .....What the hell is in that pipe?!
What?...thought so...that explains a lot...STOP SWEATING, MAN, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!

Act 1, Scene 2

" Theyah ..ahhh..ya go and gold will ....ahhh...look good on yah......ahhh....jest doughnt say ...ahhh....anything to my....ahhh...wife or...Liz Perreria...ahhh...okay? "

Act 1, Scene 3

Steve Torres:
" As attorney for Mayor Flanagan I feel it is my duty to inform you, Chief Cromwell, hereafter known as party of the first part, that we reserve the right to alter this Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of my client, hereafter known as party of the second part, in any way we wish,  as soon as he's finished trying to MACK your first born with that tacky red and gold dress, hereafter known as PART-TEY ALL NIGHT LONG, Ok , Hiawatha?"

Chief Cromwell:
"Well, OK, as long as white man speak with forked toungue, heep big Chief Cromwell will shoot you with my forked AK 47, Ok, Cracker?....
You two schmucks ARE as dumb as you look, aren't you?! "
Oh, and don't worry, I'll have brave "He who rips the NYC phone book in half with his bare hands" show you to your John Deere's so you can ride them off my property....AND TAKE THE PIPE HITTIN" CRACK ADDICT WITH YOU!!

Act 1, Scene 4

Wampanoag with receeding hairline sitting down:
" Guys, I've got an Ivy league education!...I'm not wearing this get up!...Let the local yokels wear this crap...They have no education and no jobs....I just want to clip my coupons and spend a month in Rio!

Tall Wampanoag with spear:
" Hey...that's why we got TWO feathers, T-W-O! Just blend, ok? And smile, it won't break your face! Just think about how many times you'll be able to go to Rio because of these morons....Gamblers Anonymous, here they COMMMEEEEE!!! "

Act 1, Scene 5

Pilgrim #1:
"A Tall Ship? On the man made pond?"
Pilgrim #2:
"Oh...that must be John Kerry's...he doesn't have to pay the mooring tax!"
Pilgrim #1:

"What "mooring tax"'s a pond, not an ocean! Besides, we don't have a Harbor Master!"
Pilgrim #2:
"We do now....Leo Pellitier got the job after he told Chief Cromwell about his experience with the flotilla...his 23 rubber duckies in his bathtub on Saturday nights!"

It's fun for children of all ages....give it a try.... I BET it'll bring out the kid in all of you!

Transparent...then INVISIBLE!!!!!

Flanagan says he'll forgive YMCA loan,
but project still in limbo.

The Y's colorful entrance welcomes all.

By Michael Holtzman
Herald News Staff Reporter
Posted Jul 24, 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Last update Jul 24, 2010 @ 09:48 PM

FALL RIVER — While he admits reversing a significant city commitment with long-range ramifications for the historic downtown YMCA, Mayor Will Flanagan last week hinted he could be open to some compromises, while offering the agency’s miffed officials some financial consolation.

“What they’re asking me to do is so against what I believe in, so against my principles,” Flanagan said of the $10 million rehabilitation project made possible by affordable housing funds, a quarter of the 42 single rooms bolstered by Section 8 public assistance.

He said last week for the first time he’d be willing to forgive repayment of a $262,000 Community Development Agency loan that was part of a $1.5 million commitment of HOME funds made two years ago under the prior administration.

“I don’t care if the YMCA pays the money back. If it foregoes the loan to keep the doors open, so be it,” Flanagan said, a departure from comments he made in March and May.

Asked whether he’d also refund a $30,562 building permit fee the YMCA paid the city on Feb. 18, Flanagan said, “Sure.”

Flanagan’s decision to remove $1.5 million in local HOME funds on March 1, two months after taking office, thwarted five years of planning and two years of spending and work at the North Main Street downtown building, YMCA SouthCoast officials told The Herald News last week.
The rest of the complex spending plan has fallen flat as a pancake.

It would have included $5.5 million in state funds and affordable housing tax credits, including stimulus funds, and $3 million in private donations through a capital campaign.

In the housing piece, those with incomes of $20,000 to $30,000 would have occupied most of the rooms with adjacent common areas on the top two floors of the four-story building, with Y programs and services remaining below in the fully renovated building.

“The thwarting of this project is perplexing,” said Margaret Xifaras, vice chairwoman of the SouthCoast Y’s board of directors. “This was a conscious and purposeful decision to pull the funds.”

The climax to this break-up came in late June, when the CDA, at Flanagan’s direction, demanded repayment of $262,000 in pre-construction start-up loans by July 12. That date has come and gone.

The challenge for the 150-year-old agency — with claims as one of the oldest Y’s in the country — to keep operating within an urban circa 1918 building that’s not been updated in 40 years, triggered top officials to seek a meeting Monday with The Herald News’ editorial board to formally plead their case.

The Herald News has produced no fewer than eight stories and two editorial pieces on the YMCA project during the past year. But, Flanagan’s dramatic and politically unpopular reversal has magnified the headlines.

Xifaras and SouthCoast President/CEO Gary Schuyler, with other Y officials, said their board met a week ago over the CDA’s repayment directive and decided to “reserve” any action while lawyers talked.

What that means on the loan, said Xifaras, a lawyer in the firm that includes New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang, is “we’re not saying ‘yes,’ we’re not saying ‘no way.’”

She talked about their project investment of roughly $550,000 and “who’s really pushing for this $250,000 (plus interest)” to be repaid.

She questioned whether the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development providing the CDA’s HOME funds requires the demand as the Flanagan administration has said. “The representation that the devil is making me do it,” she said, “is a very interesting area of inquiry.”

While Xifaras reiterated their lawyer’s claim to the city that pulling the funds to help poor people may be discriminatory, she also said, “We don’t want litigation, that’s for sure.”

Neither does the city, Flanagan said.

Flanagan was interviewed, along with lead staff, the day following the Y meeting at The Herald News, and the mayor modified his stance on repayment.

Further contradicting what CDA Executive Director Michael Dion had told the City Council was a distinct possibility, Flanagan said, “I’m not looking to bring the YMCA to court to foreclose on their property.” Dion and Corporation Counsel Steven Torres sat next to Flanagan throughout last week’s meeting.

While city records show the property valued at $1.8 million, Xifaras said in its condition it’s likely worth about $350,000. Part of the building dates to 1893 with the original coal furnaces.

A spokeswoman for HUD’s regional program director, Robert Paquin, said the federal agency was not involved in seeking the loan repayment.

Each community decides where the funding dollars can best be utilized, said HUD spokeswoman Rhonda Siciliano. Dion said the CDA would not have the $250,000 to loan for other HOME programs for affordable housing and rehabilitation projects if the loan was forgiven. HUD likely would reduce the program by that amount, he said.

The remainder of the $1.5 million has been available for other uses since Flanagan rejected the YMCA project. About half of those funds have been reallocated, Dion said. The HOME funds are not available for CDA block grants that pay for nonprofit programs like the Boys & Girls Club and even street police for income-eligible certain areas.

According to HUD, the broad range of eligible activities for these funds includes housing rehabilitation financial assistance and tenant-based rental contract assistance of limited duration.

To obtain what YMCA officials called “a totally renovated building,” they embarked on a plan Xifaras called “aggressive … out of the box … complex but with precedent.”

She, Schuyler and city YMCA Director Frank Duffy said 16 Y’s in Massachusetts provide housing. They used another 150-year-old YMCA, in Haverhill, as a project model with single-room occupancy and low-income housing programs.

This city’s YMCA housing, which dates to the agency’s origins, has most recently been used for seven families and 43 homeless people, they said.

“The housing piece brings in the $7 million. That’s the way government encourages affordable housing,” Schuyler said of the $10 million project.

Flanagan said he found contrasting research. YMCAs from Worcester to Wareham had capital fundraising campaigns without a housing component, he said. One YMCA program they turned up in Boston on Huntington Avenue, however, closely mirrored the single-room occupancy project planned in Fall River.

Since reversing the decision on the $1.5 million committed in 2008 by former Mayor Robert Correia, Flanagan has voiced support for needed upgrades to its recreational facilities. But he won’t curtail his mission to “decrease low-income housing” stock downtown, he said.

Pushed for specific objections, Flanagan said the 11 units of Section 8
low-income housing — granted to tenants with incomes in the $15,000 range — “is a deal killer for me.”

Both the YMCA and Flanagan said there have been no negotiations on the feasibility of a compromise to remove the 11 rooms and pursue funding options.

“I put the ball back in their court,” Flanagan said.

On whether he’s OK with the other 31 units of housing for people making up to $30,000, Flanagan said, “I’d have to give that some thought.” Several times he lumped all 42 units into “low-income housing.”

Flanagan compared his action to his rejection of the Durfee Tech affordable housing project initiated by Correia. He said he met “very little criticism” when he pulled that Redevelopment Authority contract with Peabody Properties.

With the YMCA’s renovation and housing project ready to start this fall, Flanagan said he’s met “some criticism” and the decision was more difficult because of the agency’s valued mission.
He’s received many calls and letters, and said “the political establishment” firmly backs the YMCA project.

He believes that in a poll of citizens, however, “the majority would side with me.”

“My mission is to transform the downtown, transform the waterfront,” Flanagan said. “I cannot support them doing it.”

He maintained Correia’s role in the initial decision did not influence his.

On a Friday almost five months ago when YMCA SouthCoast officials learned its CDA funding would likely be withdrawn and the project would likely collapse, they set up a meeting with Flanagan the following Monday, they said.

The March 1 meeting didn’t go well.

A week later, Xifaras wrote to Flanagan. “You are certainly entitled to assert your view in what you reportedly see as your mandate relative to future proposals for affordable housing. This project, however, is already on the books and ready to go forward,” she wrote.

She concluded that stopping the project “represents a step back to good-faith efforts to work with local and state officials to enhance downtown Fall River.”

Xifaras, Schuyler and Duffy said they’re back to square one on how to maintain good programs with a bad building.

Flanagan was asked last week what message he may be sending to nonprofit agencies that there’s a new mayor in town, elected every two years, and what they can count on in the long run if they stick their necks out.

“It’s a tough question,” Flanagan said. “I don’t really have a solid answer.”

He’d decide each case individually, he said.

Flanagan said he approaches decisions like a chess match, thinking “five, seven moves ahead … “Everything I do is calculated,” he said.

He recalled noticing the Section 8 piece when Dion gave him the Y funding documents in February. “The easiest thing for me to do was to sign them and commit the funds, and it would have been done. But that was against my values and principles and vision for the downtown.”
E-mail Michael Holtzman at

Mayor Tumbleweed Flanagan spoke at great length during his campaign about bringing back transparency to government in Fall River. He has done just that. But it's not the kind of transparency you and I thought he meant!
You see, ol' Tumbleweed is entirely transparent, and grows more with each unsettling decision he makes. He has shown an absolute casual ruthlessness when it comes to his willingness to destroy long standing agreements and institutions to win votes here or there. Any votes from anyone, he doesn't care who they are or how easily they are manipulated. His administration is one based solely on winning the next election. That's really all this putz is about. He is completely transparent and it's a sorry thing to see. It's all the more sad because he claimed to be the complete opposite when he was  running for the office a year ago at this time.
My oh my, how the slimy worm does turn!
Now comes the next victim, the "Y". Talk about pushing around an old woman like a crack addled gang member. This venerable institution has served Fall River for generations, and has never wavered from it's original purpose. It has helped more people improve their lives than this glad handing, stuttering fool of a Mayor could in ten terms in office. Keeping people happy, healthy and leading more productive lives is what the Y is all about. But not here in Fall River. Not any more, at least,  if Tumbleweed Flanagan gets his scurvy way.
You see, the Y, as part of it's mission, has a long standing policy of providing housing opportunities to those who need a  helping hand in the short term. What is so wrong about obtaining financing to fix the place up and helping a unique population have a safe place to stay, to improve and rebuild themselves and their lives until they can go out on their own?
 I guess we can now see the problem with voting for someone so young and inexperienced in life is that he cannot allow himself to see that every person eventually has feet of clay at one time or another in their lives . Not every man or woman walks a straight line to success and happiness. Human being err, they make terrible mistakes in judgement at times. Neither the world nor individuals treat themselves well at every turn. Everyone must be allowed to obtain some sense of personal redemption when such circumstances arise. It's what makes us closer to our own God, to our true selves. Flanagan lacks the essential ability to recognize this fact of life because he has lived so precious little of it.
The act of dismantling the previous mayor's plan and agreement with the Y was, and is, both personally and politically motivated. Personally, Tumbleweed hates Correia with a passion that many shared, but which still burns unabated within him. It is his political plans and motivations where the real Flanagan inner demons show themselves and lead Tumbleweed to become the calm assassin of other's needs and dreams.
As Mayor, Will Flanagan has morphed into a complete political sociopath. His motivation against the Y , I believe, may have other tangential reasons behind it, but the primary factor is votes, and making a policy decision that will materially impact this community so he will be more popular with the more feral contingent of Fall River's voters, in other words, pick up votes to oppose more "low-income " housing.
He claims it is important to him and that the decision to cancel the loan was due to his "principles". HA! This mutt has no principles! He is willing to do whatever LOOKS good to the largest number of people , or the most solid block of voters, as long as he can count the votes in his column when all is said and done. You don't have to be a public policy wiz, you just need to be a used car salesman. And that's all this guy Flanagan is, a used car salesman willing to say anything or do anything to make the sale. We are the collective buyers. 
Just like every time you've ever purchased a used car from some slimy, sport coat wearing, cigar chompin' used car salesman, you end up getting screwed.  The really awful thing is, the whole time you're negotiating, you can see right through what he's trying to do, and you get that feeling in the pit of your guts that something is wrong, but you buy the car anyway. That's what we have going on right now ladies and gentlemen. This guy with the silly grin and maddeningly halting syntax is now so transparent he's becoming the invisible man.
Nothing is what you see, because there is nothing to his policies or his principles. He doesn't have the first clue of how to administer Fall River on a day to day basis, let alone put together the kinds of long term and solid financial and administrative systems to make it possible and save the City from disaster. His terrible appointments show this to be true. He's merely a pretender, a puppet on the string of FROED and members of the Chamber of Commerce who have the money and willpower to manipulate this City through Tumbleweed's administration. It's all about riding Will Flanagan like the DONKEY he is to higher office, so they can obtain more influence, power and $$$$$$$. Always follow the money....always follow the money!
Flanagan SAYS he's against more low-income housing near the Central Business District (CBD). Well, if you've looked lately the Y is no where near the CBD. Yes, he stopped one project in that area right after taking office, but again, it was a Correia project and not in compliance with the City's original objective of developing artist's loft space to expand the Arts District. Yet "Mr. Anti low-income housing" allows the development of the Wampanoag Mill property which will be rife with the kind of low-income housing he claims to detest. Maybe it's because the developer of THAT property is powerfully connected at the State House and Washington and has a reputation for heavy political contributions and, in some cases, alleged under the table payoffs. Those stories aren't mine, they exist in the press.
NO, the action against the Y was primarily to garner votes in a City where many residents like to blame their City's deteriorating public service and  fiscal condition on "THEM", low-income housing residents, although "THEY" account for 70% of every dollar of revenue being delivered to the City , thereby keeping  Fall River afloat. How utterly ironic. And how utterly easily manipulated to advantage by the right used car salesman. Ironic and so transparent.
Even Flanagan's recent attempt to throw water of the firestorm he's created by stating he'll excuse the loan already made is because of the popular push back by Fall Riverites upset at his cruelty and stupidity, and probable economic development skulduggery, in cancelling the City's long standing commitment to this project. I could not help but think to myself "HMMMM, I wonder which friend of a friend of a FROED board member or Chamber of Commerce member wants that property to develop themselves at a vastly reduced cost." I don't think I'm nearly alone in thinking that way either, and I think Flanagan knows that.
 Sorry, but I don't believe in the power of invisible men. I wish to be lead by people of substance, men and women who have walked the walk throughout lives of hard experience and accomplishment, not kids who only talk the talk of a used car salesman. They always leave me with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.