Saturday, March 20, 2010

Say It Often Enough and Long Enough, THEY WILL HEAR YOU!

Relocate Your Business

Running out of space? In an area that's
headed downhill? Need an upgrade?
It might be time to move your business
to another location.
By Mark Henricks
December 01, 2005
Every year, the grass on the other side of the fence looks greener to many entrepreneurs, and a change of place looks like the most promising path to growth. So they pull up stakes and move to a new place, where they hope to find better odds for business success than they had in their previous location. They're in good company. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that approximately 40 million Americans relocate each year, and the U.S. Postal Service processes about 38 million change-of-address forms annually. Although no one keeps a similar count of business moves, given the multitude of valid business reasons for making a move, almost any entrepreneur will, at some time, consider relocating as a way to expand.

Why Location Matters

Businesses commonly cite five main reasons for moving, according to Sharon K. Ward, an economic development consultant in Allentown, Pennsylvania. These are labor and work force issues, the desire to reach new markets, the need to upgrade facilities or equipment, the desire to lower costs or increase cash flow, and considerations about quality of life. For different businesses and at different times, certain concerns are more important than others, Ward notes. But just about all moves can be attributed to some combination of these issues.

Chief among current reasons for relocation is the need for a suitable work force. You may have a shortage of qualified workers for some occupations, especially those requiring technical expertise. For firms that need specialized employees, it may be well worth it to relocate to an area where you can easily find these kinds of employees.

When a company finds itself in outmoded or undersized facilities, that's another reason to look at moving. Most businesses start in a small facility, such as the founder's garage, and then move to bigger quarters in the same city, says L. Clinton Hoch, director of location advisory services for DCG Corplan Consulting, a site selection consultancy in West Orange, New Jersey. Later, the business outgrows that location or begins to find fault with its facilities, services, utilities, infrastructure or other features. "Usually only after [a business owner] goes through those stages is he or she ready to make a move out of the original area," says Hoch.

Cost Issues

Cost is a concern in any business decision, and a move can cure--or create--many cost issues. For starters, the cost of living varies widely among cities. In Little Rock, Arkansas, for example, the cost of living is 13 percent below the national average. At the other end of the spectrum, New York City's costs are more than twice the U.S. average. Theoretically, a move from Manhattan to Little Rock could yield significant savings.

But costs involve more than living expenses, cautions Hoch, and differences in geographic costs have leveled out in recent years. Companies often find themselves forced to compromise between staying close to target markets and choosing the lowest-cost facility. That's one reason for the exodus of employees from central cities to nearby suburbs, which, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, resulted in 3 million people leaving the cities, while the suburbs gained 2.8 million in one recent year.

Depending on circumstances, you may have other financial issues to consider. Large companies seeking to build semiconductor factories or auto plants, for instance, often land well-publicized tax concessions worth billions of dollars. Economic development consultant Sharon Ward, a former research and marketing director for the Committee for Economic Growth, a private organization that markets the Wilkes-Barre area of Pennsylvania to businesses, points out that small companies rarely receive such perks because incentives are based on the number of jobs the business will create. However, an entrepreneur may be able to tap a cash flow windfall by selling a building or land that has appreciated in value, then purchasing or renting lower-cost space.
An even more intangible issue is quality of life. Companies evaluating relocation often look at recreational opportunities, education facilities, crime rates, health care, climate and other factors when evaluating a city's quality of life. That's another reason deteriorating inner cities are losing businesses, as companies seek an improved quality of life elsewhere. "Maybe it's an unhealthy or unsafe area to live in," notes Ward. "Or it may be hard to recruit workers because of [the location]."

Relocation Results

While moving carries risks, a move can be one of the best things you ever do for your business. When you move or expand to a new location, the odds are stacked in your favor, according to relocation expert Luigi Salvaneschi, who has overseen the selection of new sites for thousands of retail establishments. "Because you have been in business for some time," he says, "you are fully aware of all the problems your current location has. If you have poor traffic and know that's the problem, you look for a new location that has good traffic."

But there are no guarantees in relocation, and as many things can go wrong with a move as can go right. Ward cites a study of readers of Area Development magazine that identified a number of common mistakes. They included rushing the decision, focusing too narrowly on a few costs, failing to use available economic development services, ignoring quality-of-life factors, missing important environmental or regulatory concerns, and, believe it or not, failing to plan for future expansion. These mistakes can be boiled down to hurrying too much and trying to do a move too cheaply.
Part of the problem is the complexity of these two issues. There's no set time for how long it should take to move, Ward says, and sometimes you don't have a choice. "I've worked with companies that made a decision in three or four months because they didn't have a choice," she says. Others might expend two or three years in the process, with no better results.

Unfamiliar factors complicate cost calculations, adds Salvaneschi. For instance, an entrepreneur must figure in the cost of business interruption. Almost inevitably, a business's productivity will be reduced for a period of days or even weeks after a move. And that's not all. "You may also have some loss of goodwill," he says. "Especially if you've been in that location for many years, you're going to lose some loyal customers."

Moving is one way to obtain room to expand, but it's not the only one. You may be able to expand by taking in adjoining space, increasing productivity of existing employees and facilities, or by splitting up your facilities in separate locations.

Absorbing adjoining space is probably the most convenient and inexpensive way to add room for more employees and equipment. You save on moving costs, interruption is minimal, and your old customers won't have trouble finding you because you will be in the same place. When you're picking your original location, in fact, it's not a bad idea to consider the availability of adjacent expansion room as one of your criteria. If space next to your current operation becomes vacant at a time when you are considering expanding, you may want to let the owner of the property know you may require more room soon. You may be able to take out an option on the space that will preserve your flexibility.
You may be able to grow your business without moving if you can increase the productivity of your current operation. You can generate more production without adding staff by training your employees to work more efficiently. You can also replace slower machines with faster models, or make alterations to existing equipment to increase output.

Another way to grow without moving your whole company is to split your operation into more than one location. A company that manufactures and sells from a single location can move its warehousing and manufacturing to another facility while leaving its sales outlet in the same place so customers won't have to find it in a new spot. Although the logistics of working from more than one location can be tricky, it's one way to have some of the benefits of moving without all the drawbacks.

Lease Options

One of the classic business decisions involves balancing the tradeoffs between buying real estate to quarter your business and renting or leasing the space. While each situation offers nuances to consider, the basic difference is that buying requires more upfront capital investment but provides security and the opportunity for capital appreciation. It costs less to get into leased space--and it's easier to get out, too--but monthly payments may be higher, and you may have to find a new place to do business when your lease is up.
One option open is to make a personal purchase of property and then lease it to your business. The business gets to deduct the lease payment, while you receive added income.
If you don't want to take on a long-term mortgage to buy office space, consider a lease with an option to own. Terms of this arrangement will allow you to buy the property for a preset sum at the end of the lease. You will be able to lock in a price now and save the expenses of having to move someplace new when you're ready to buy.

Making the Move

Although deciding to move is tough, it's nothing compared to actually making the move. That starts with writing detailed specifications about what your new location must offer. If your main reason for moving is to tap a better labor market, don't get distracted by a favorable lease offered by a prospective landlord or incentives dangled before you by an economic development agency. "You would not want to move to find a well-qualified work force only to find that it's worse in your new location," says Ward.
You'll also need accurate and complete information about the new location before you can commit to moving there. Reference publications such as The Statistical Abstract of the United States and magazines such as American Demographics are good places to start. You can also subscribe for a month or two to newspapers in the cities you're considering (or read them online) to get a general feel for local circumstances.

Be specific when gathering information from Chambers of Commerce, utility companies, economic development agencies, real estate brokers, employment agencies, other small-business owners, and so on. Don't ask general questions like "Is there a good supply of affordable office buildings?" Instead, ask "How many 10,000-square-foot blocks of vacant Class-A downtown office space exist, and what are the going terms and prices?"
You should also visit all sites on the short list of your targets. "I have a saying: You walk it; you drive it; you fly it," says relocation expert Salvaneschi. Only by walking and driving around a location from various angles can you get a feel for traffic patterns. Aerial views from small planes or helicopters can help you grasp the dynamics of a particular retail zone, he adds.
Making the move itself is another challenge in making the relocation work. It's important to decide what equipment, fixtures, records and other items to actually move. It might be better to dispose of inventory at fire-sale prices rather than pay to haul it across the country.
Once you have decided where, when, what and who you'll move, assign someone to be in charge of the relocation. He or she will be very busy with tasks from soliciting bids from movers to keeping employees informed about the plans.
In business, as in your personal life, not every move works out. But by looking closely at their reasons for moving and making sure the chosen spot addresses their needs, entrepreneurs increase the odds that the grass really will be greener and that what appears to be a better city for their business will turn out to be the best.

I don't quite know how to take this latest bit of news. It appears that one of my favorite foils has had an epiphany of sorts. Well, let's not go THAT far Laz old bean! At least he is attempting to more intelligently describe his agency's relative failure to succesfully attract new and vital business into the Fall River. The fact that it appears to be targeted at the Fall River School system is understandable, given the situation, yet regrettable at the same time.

Yes, it seems the mountian is finally coming to Laz. Ken Fiola, executive Vice President of the Fall River Office of Economic Development, aka FROED,  was recently quoted on WSAR, 666 on your radio dial, that a contributing reason FROED has been unable to attract new business to Fall River, and I assume that means high-tech and clean energy business, is because of the woeful state of education coming from our homegrown school system and the likewise state of uneducation within our adult workforce.

Now I have no idea if he's been reading this very blog since it's inception but that is one constant message I have made quite clear from the outset. Ladies and gentlemen, this idea that a trained  and educated workforce and great schools is needed to attract new businesses to a community in the current times is not at all new or radical. This concept has been taught at planning departments and business schools at universities all over the world for decades, and certainly for full effect as man started to develop transistors, then micro chips and computers.

 Come on folks, every real estate agent since the end of WWII has made this information part of their sales mantra. So no one in Fall River who can read, write or watch a television news program can claim to be unaware or surprised by this fact. To claim not to understand this basic concept is to reveal a shocking lack of understanding of how the modern WORLD works. I highlight the word "WORLD" because we are all, from Moscow to Madrid, now living under the carrots and sticks of one economic system.

 It's a simple fact. Those places with the highest levels of education, with great math and sciense skills and attainment levels, are the areas where new, productive and wealth building business and industries will grow. Mathematics and science has for more than a decade been the primary means of communication worldwide because it's the most common and objective language we share!  Only within the old familiar geographical boundries man created centuries ago does it  still require "old fashioned" verbal and written language skills to go about your daily lives.

Not to recognize the reality of modern life and the basic talents in which we are increasingly lagging behind the world is pure folly. There is no workable past, there is only moving forward so we can compete. To do this we must better educate our children and ourselves. Everything else is like a child in tantrum mode stamping their feet in resistance and frustration.

 Folks, get over it and learn. If we don't, we'll never catch up. We'll rapidly and ignominiously sink to has been status in comparison to those societies that have taken this reality to heart and are succeeding far beyond anything we could have let ourselves imagine even 20 years ago! Did you ever think China would have the ability to out produce us, out think us and out finance us in your lifetimes? Or India? Or Indonesia? Or Eastern Europe? Unless we radically change the way we think and put into place the societal structures and values necessary to compete and exceed our competitors we will never again hand to our children a life better than the one we received from our parents. And ultimately, isn't that what it's all about?

All this is not meant to say we should not treasure our history, or in this case, Fall River's history, or it's intrinsic beauty. On the contrary, better education will allow us to appreciate even more the benefits of living in an area with a slightly slower pace of life, where you can actually breath and enjoy what surrounds you at the end of the day. However, without bettering our education, both for our children and ourselves, this will slip away as those with education and  talent follow good jobs elsewhere, and the standard of living in Fall River continues to spiral downward.

I don't have mixed feelings about Ken Fiola speaking the truth. It's about time he did and make the community face reality, that new clean  industry based well paying jobs, even manufacturing jobs, are not coming here anytime soon. Rail against the tempest heading our way all you like. It will still come and those who struggle against it most will be among the first casualties. Times have changed. We are now the Native American population riding horses as the railroad expands and takes away our plains and our buffalo. Surely we can battle the changing times valiantly but in the end we'll be overrun by the new, the better, the more powerful. This is inevitable. But it doesn't have to be anything but a positive change if we take control and make decisions now!

Our education system in Fall River is poor and will remain so until more resources are made available. But we must make the decision to do so and commit to education excellence as much as we do to arresting every drug crazed violent criminal in the City. In terms of attracting new industry to Fall River they go hand in hand. To not recognize this will be Fall River's downfall.

And to Ken Fiola and FROED, while it is true that poor education attainment levels in Fall River is the  primary impediment to attracting new industry, to basically blame the schools for your agency's failure is both cowardly and wrong. It's nothing more than what the City has come to expect from FROED...gross incompetence, lack of intergrity and injecting cynicism where hope is needed.


  1. "... because of the woeful state of education coming from our homegrown school system..."

    "Our education system in Fall River is poor and will remain so until more resources are made available."

    Really, Laz? Then answer me this: Why do Somerset Public Schools outperform Fall River Public Schools, even though Somerset's expenditure per pupil is 5% less than Fall River's?

    According to the MA DESE 2009 Graduation Rate Report (DISTRICT) for All Students, the 4-year graduation rate for Somerset was 92.1%, while in Fall River is was 62.5%. In that same report, 25% of Fall River's students dropped out, compared to only 5.6% of Somerset students who dropped out.

    Somerset students dramatically outperform Fall River students, even though Somerset Public Schools operate with fewer resources per pupil. How can that be, Laz?

    Your opinions on the educational challenges we face in Fall River are shallow and simplistic. You should put more time into reviewing and understanding the abundance of educational data available online.

  2. Far from being shallow and simplistic , they are pointed and reflective of systematic realities.

    The single biggest problem facing Fall River schools, and the City overall, for that matter, is drug addiction. It has finally reached deep into the middle and even elementary schools. Parents of many drug addled kids are drug addled themselves. I know many involved in the schools who tell me that the kids being arrested now, the names you see in the police blotter each night, are white kids whose families have a long history of drug problems that were first addressed by the schools 20 years ago!

    The drug problem in Fall River is now systematic. It involves more than simply the current violent crime wave putting tremendous pressure on our police department. It has inculcated every part of Fall River life. Gangs are now the most obvious progenitors of Fall River failure, but they are relative newcomers to the game in the Spindle City.

    On the contrary, my analysis , as has been outlined on this blog for many, many months now, eschews statistics taken in isolation for root causes and outcomes. If you fail to see drug addicition as the City's biggest problem in education, and all other things, I can only ask you to open your eyes.

    Businesses will not relocate here because the public is not educated and their children are not learning. The quality of life would increase greatly if only all this violent crime were not happening. Generations of local politicians allowing family members and friends to become deeply involved within administrative positions in the City's government institutions, of which the School Department is one, drives up the cost of providing EVERY service in Fall River. In most instances, there is a need to "work around" these largely unproductive, unqualified and lagging administrative structures by establishing actual functioning infrastrucutre around the "native" elements, just like what is happening at the Housing Authority right now. And then you have the sitiation of having an aging school workforce, teachers, who earn more than do their younger, albeit less qualified, faculty colleuges. All of this adds up to greater per pupil expenditures. Also add to that failing schools requiring state intervention and associated local expenses due to manpower mandates, much of it in non-classroom administrative support expenditures.

    I know one want better schools in Fall River, you'd better start dealing with drug addiction city wide, and you'd better lower classroom sizes by hiring more teachers, and both, my friend, is going to cost alot more money. In Somerset you have far more two parent families working good jobs, who are themselves supportive and involved in their kids lives and their kids schools,and who are not themselves in the midst of daily addicition and having to chase their own high .

    Now, I don't know what you are so afraid of, but that is the reality of life here in Fall River and in Somerset. When things run smoothly, everything costs less. When you throw huge monkee wrentches into the works, like there are in Fall River, everything costs government more to produce less.

    If you refuse to look at the forest for the trees, don't throw out simple statistics rendered meaningless by railing loudly that someone else's analysis is facile. Statistics not placed within a cogent and meaningful context measure NOTHING! Statistics should NEVER be used in isolation to formulate policy or be the sole indicator of problems. (I know what I learned in graduate school when it came to statistical analysis and what it means to effective policy analysis! What graduate school did you attend?) When you do that you are merely making the same loud noise as a bedsheet hung out on a line to dry on a windy day. Lots of loud snapping without much actual bite.

  3. "In Somerset you have far more two parent families working good jobs, who are themselves supportive and involved in their kids lives and their kids schools,and who are not themselves in the midst of daily addicition and having to chase their own high."

    BINGO! Give that man a prize!

  4. And how bout the fact that most kids and parents in Somerset speak ENGLISH??? How many Hispanic kids are in their lily white town?
    The police department stops a car to inspect it if the people aren't white folk. You can't compare these two school systems. You could spend 100 times more in Fall River and it wouldn't make a dent into the societal ills of the urban slum. Class sizes of 31 in Kindergarten would be unheard of in Somerset-- and SHOULD BE in FR too!!! A white middle class English speaker has trouble learning in a class of 31!! Don't compare these two municipalities-- it doesn't compute-- now if you want to compare--- ask why Brockton is having success--- and then we'll talk.

  5. The comparison of Somerset to Fall River wasn't MY was brought up by the first commenter. Personally, I think the comparison is falacious and the stats taken out of context...comparing the two communities truly IS an apples and oranges situation.

    The dynamics of education in Fall River is far more complex a situation than you'd ever find in a suburban community. So on this we completely agree....

    Don't forget the thrust of the original point...LACK of education attainment by both ADULTS and children in Fall River is a black mark against the City's ability to attract good paying jobs from new industry which require an educated and skilled workforce. So far, that point remains unassailed.

    I understand there has been a huge turnaround taking place in Brockton. I also know the feds, state and that City has poured millions into putting a stranglehold on the drug trade and related gangs selling poison to Brockton adults and kids alike.
    I think it's a critical mistake to ignore the impact of drugs on this City's daily life. It's making addicts of school age children at ever lower grades. Most of these kids turning into addicts come from single parent homes and exist within a culture of drug use and violence themselves. None live in "Ozzie and Harriet" households. And the drug trade is thriving even in middle schools. These kids, and their parents, live with this Sword of Damocles everyday. To think this will not infect the daily operation of the average middle school and high school classes is simply not accepting reality. To me, getting a handle on drugs in Fall River is a critical part of the City's successful survival.

    I agree with you in regards to class size and the "English as a second language" problem within the sachools. Again, to make class size smaller, whether a predominantly white or minority class population, makes learning rediculously hard.

    Basically, I think we agree on the whole!

    Now....where is my prize?! :-)

    Once again to my commenters, THANKS for reading my blog!!

  6. " Again, to make class size smaller, whether a predominantly white or minority class population, makes learning rediculously hard." should have read:

    " Again, to make class size smaller, whether a predominantly white or minority class population, only helps learning take place, and to not make class sizes smaller makes learning rediculously hard."

  7. I believe Somerset caps its Kindergartens at 18 to 20 students. Correct me if I am wrong. That is a HUGE difference in that critical learning year. FR is doomed from the start if they don't reduce class size.

  8. I absolutely agree with you...somewhere I remember hearing an expert in education say something like you had to get basic skills into chi9ldren by the time they are 10 or 12 and after that it's pretty much too late, that it becomes a monumental struggle.

    If I'm wrong in this, please let me know!


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!