Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adios amigos!!!!!

Dear readers:

I feel I should let you know that this will be my last entry on this wonderful blog called CHOWMEINSAMMICH. This venue for opinion, strong and shrill at times though it may have been, literally saved my life and gave voice to one who was forgotten and desolate.

 All I have ever tried to do is bring to light things that were being done within the City's governence that were clearly wrong, inherant with conflict of interest, and just plain stupid. I do not suffer stupid people easily, so you can imagine how much suffering I have done when discussing the politics and govenment and some of this City's more self proclaimed colorful movers and shakers in Fall River.

It can be painful to watch what goes on day in and day out, and wonder why such treasure is wasted  and be amazed by the way it is being wasted.  There are far many more good, solid and strong citizens than there are otherwise in Fall River, and they are hurt everyday by the way their institutions of government work. This has been the case for decades. I have always wondered why these good people stand by and let it all happen, but I guess in Fall River the voting populace reacts to the familiar politicians and  key City managers the way a battered woman reacts to her batterer. They sit by transfixed out of a state of panic and confusion, terrified to do something different that could save them. And ladies and gentlemen, just like the woman who remains because of a feeling of being trapped, you too will continue to take a beating in your daily lives and your pocketbooks by staying with this collection of opportunists who only care about their futures, not yours. Believe it, because it's the truth, and you know it is! The past is prologue, especially in Fall River.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen all the ways to manage a municipality, every one, but I have never seen things done like the way they are done in Fall River. You are headed to a state takeover of some form within a year or two at the most. Probably next year, after the election. Given my experience in this City, I find that both ironic and somehow apropos.

I am ending this experiment in open communication and free speech because the thuggish powers that be are doing what they do to those who get to close to that raw nerve called the truth. Bullying and extortion seem to be the only real talent the movers and shakers in this city seem to understand. Free speech must go on, but not from this venue, not any longer. My loved one's read what's being said by the friends of FROED and Mayor Flanagan, and have urged me to step down and stop this blog. As much as I want to lash out and fight these tin-pot tyrants, I have to seriously consider the needs of those I care for after years of not putting their needs first. So yes, the pressure was personal, as is my decision.

One thing I will always be extremely proud of is that I NEVER tried to remove a comment left on the blog or tried to censor anything anybody said on this blog! Not one time - that is the very essence of free speech. That is what your City leaders want to stop! Leave no doubt in your mind about have to ask yourselves why?

So that's it folks. It's been privilege and an honor to have served you. I have enjoyed this experience immensely. I sincerely hope some other intrepid Free Speech Patriot can step forward and take up the cudgel, especially against sources of profound stupidity in Fall River like the Fall River Herald News. I shudder to think of the HN as the only outlet for what is happening in this City. However, Shamrockblogger and Lefty do a wonderful job on their blogs and if you haven't been to their blogs I urge you to do so...both guys have a serious clue and are a great read.

I'm out of here folks, gone for good.

I'll leave you all with this, and especially the people who know who they are, because truer words were never spoken:

         The sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass everyday.

Remember that boys when you find the sun not shining on yours.....opps, I feel an overcast day coming!


  1. What?? Is this for real? pppfffttt, figures.

  2. I am sorry to read that this will be your last blog entry. I have been reading your blog for quite some time and although I may not agree with everything you write I certainly have enjoyed your understanding of Fall River politics. I hope your writing will resurface in some form in the future. Thank you for keeping me enlightened and entertained. You will be missed.

  3. Hopefully this is only temporary.

  4. Take a break. Rethink things and then return with new vigor. I have not read this blog for very long but have found it to be entertaining and informative. To stop writing it would just allow the losers to gain a louder voice.

    Come back soon!

  5. Flanagan isn't getting rid of Ken Fiola. Sorry! They will both still be around for a long time while their opposition will quietly fade away.

  6. I would like to see you continue your blog, as there is great value to it. But, I would prefer you do it without the name-calling and other intentionally hurtful commentary.

  7. I agree with the above commentary-- that a saner approach would lend credence to your stellar points and views. You have provided a valuable service to Fall River residents and exposed a lot of stuff that was kept undercover for too long! I hope that you could just come back as a more mainstream and less radical crazy man!!! It would mean that the "losers" couldn't put anything on you and accuse you of breaking the rules. Rather you would winn-winn and show them what the truth is. For the Honor of Truth, Laz, don't give up entirely! Please, we still need you.

  8. Laz,

    Say it ain't so.....I might not agree with every one of you opinions, but I enjoyed your inside knowledge on the inner working of a city government. I have a motto "Family First" so I understand your decision, but as a true fan of your blog, if you quit, your enemies win.

    A Fan....

  9. I agree with the above Fan, if you quit now, they win. But I guess they've already won, pretty much. I mean we can come the internet and raise as much heck as we want, but the fact remains that all the same names are still sitting in the same offices, making the same money, doing the same underhanded, shady shit, and will continue to do so. Realistically, who is going to stop them. That's why I come on here and talk so much crap, I don't honestly think that these people view me as any kind of threat, or even know I exist, but it makes ME feel better to vent and let off some steam at my frustration against the status quo.

    As for you Laz, first and foremost, you gotta "do you", meaning take care of yourself above all else. If there's health issues involved, I'd much rather lose this blog than lose the brain behind it, if you know what I mean.

    In closing, thanks for this blog, and even your stuff from the HN boards. You've been a kindred spirit and have provided me with countless hours of entertainment and education, and I'm glad to have been able to share some laughs with you. Well played, sir, well played, tonight the Chow Mein Sammichs are on me! Best of luck, Laz!

    -George Harrison

  10. Thanks for your time and insight, especially with regard to municipal finance. I hope you will reconsider, but I understand your decision. Good luck!

  11. The Herald News figured out who Laz was from his address IP on the comment boards...they then told govt. figures, just like they've done before

  12. Hey Laz......... I am surprised you never looked into something like this....

  13. If true, sounds like a violation of Gateway Media's Privacy Policy.

  14. It matters not at this just goes to show that everything I said about the HN and it's editor is true, that the HN is in chaoots with the Powers that Be, and that a consolidation of power amongst the wealthiest and most powerful financial institutions and goverment power factions have come together to divy up the spoils. The spoils, of course, being Fall River.

    But it really doesn't matter how private information was found could have happened in numerous ways, and was probably just a matter of time. The main point to realize is that CHOWMEINSAMMICH must have been hitting that raw nerve called "the Truth" and that we were close to the mark with what we were writing about. And that, my dear readers, is what you should focus on in the future.

    This blog was about having fun, at first. Then it became much more serious as time went on. But at all times it was about FREE SPEECH and a search for the truth about the conditin of the City and it's most vulnerable people.

    History has shown us tima and again that when the powers that befind themselves holders of bad news they , like the Romans 2,000 years ago, would shower the citizens of the City with "Bread and Circus" to hide, say, lack of water in the poorest sections of Roem which were causing water borne illnesses. Today, with a fiscal disaster lurking two months away, the pwoers that be bring you the Bio-Tech park and the Casino hub-bub on the tails of the downtown parking screw up, just to avert your minds, if only for a few moments. it's the oldest game in the world used by desperate leaers everywhere.

    And let's remember who is always the most hurt. It is that mass of Fall Riverites with no education, no jobs, and no hope. Their voices are never heard, their plight is only ever mentioned briefly, if ever, as spiffy little slogans at election time. That's who needs our voices the most.

    Don't worry folks....I truly believe justice is right arond the'll see...

    With warmest regards,


  15. Yup-- hence the "chowmeinsammich" is even more Truth than not. How sad for the city that the poorest of the poor-- the disabled and elderly in the highrises--the voters have not a clue but can be bought for only a chowmeinsammich or meatpie and the power mongers gather more strength. If they keep them stupid, they win. Laz, you have come full circle. I wish you well.

  16. I'm sorry, but that doesn't make any sense that the Herald News figured out who he is by IPs - they would have to have access to the internet provider's database (Comcast or whoever), which just ain't gonna happen. As the way things go in Fall River, it is usually not very hard to figure out who's who on the gossip train.

    That being said, what are you afraid of? Do you or family members work for the city? What are those people going to do to you or your family? Ostracize you? Make you sit at the bad kid's loser lunch table? They may be ruthless, but we are not talking about Casa Nostra here, all bark, no bite. Don't be afraid....

  17. Dear Gino:

    The simplest way to get even is the one they never see coming....I hope the folks backing Rep. Rodrigues enjoy their time out of office because it is surely coming and very soon....first the Hurricane...then the Karam Harem...BAHAHAHAHA....hey, I'll have them save a seat for all of you at the bad kids loser lunch table.......BAHAHAHAHA I'm going to MARSHALL my forces DALEY be continueddddddddddddddddddddd..........


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!