Saturday, August 7, 2010

Brian Bigelow, 22 Others Arrested In 'Operation John'

Boston News
Channel 5

City Councilor Arrested In Sex Sting

Brian Bigelow, 22 Others Arrested In 'Operation John'

POSTED: 4:50 pm EDT August 7, 2010
UPDATED: 5:22 pm EDT August 7, 2010

The Herald News/Fall River

Brian Bigelow...aka Mr. Soul Patch,  a Fall River city councilor was among nearly two-dozen men arrested over the weekend during a prostitution sting operation, said police.

Authorities said City Councilor Brian Bigelow was charged Friday night with offering to engage in sex for a fee after he being approached by a female police officer. The officer was working undercover as a prostitute, in the area of 26 Morgan St.

Police said ‘Operation John’ was organized after Mayor Will Flanagan received numerous complaints about prostitution activity in numerous neighborhoods.

Along with Bigelow, authorities also arrested 21 other men and one woman


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Looks like "Sportcoat the Lesser", aka Brian Bigelow, aka " Mr. Soul Patch", aka, employee of  Bristol County Sheriff Tom "charge them for the maggots in their hard tack" Hodgson, aka, Sylvia/Flanagan BUM KISSER and close associate, caught what Bob Seeger calls the FIRE DOWN BELOW, as the song says, and did the dumbest thing since Mayor Sylvia/Flanagan hired his indolent brother as a janitor for the Fall River School system. That's way to much outstanding stupidity for one weeks time even for a stupidity factory like Fall River.
Brian, Brian, Brian, dude, couldn't you go out of the City?...or better yet, out of the county? How about out of state, to Providence? BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Mr. Soul Patch has to get a burnin' yearnin' for some real down home Fall River dirty girl cookin', right  knucklehead? I sincerely hope he had protection with him, because, you know,  a  Fall River recovery debutante like the kind you're likely to meet on Morgan Street is very likely to have Hep C or the HIGH FIVE (HIV). My oh my oh my, what will the lady of the house say? Bad times in his little castle, I'm sure. Brian, you are a dumb ass, and instantly radioactive.
Congratulations you idiot - you've earned your social pariah status. And you have got to be the single dumbest guy I know.
My sincere and heartfelt condolences to your wife and kids, if you have them. You did this to yourself , and they are innocents whose lives have been butt raped by your actions. It's on you pardner. If I was you, I'd resign now and get on with taking care of your family, if there's still time.
Do the smart thing, not the Fall River thing. You already did the Fall River thing and it put you in the position you are in.
LOSER...Mr. Soul Patch, my man!


  1. Brian Bigelow desrves the A** award. Please step down from all public service including your duties at Diman Regional. His wife and children deserve better, and so does the pulic.

  2. the comment that was removed by Lisa Strattan on the HN was by Pie Oh My. He revealed that a certain city councilor in NB was arrested for the same thing some time back. He alleged that this was Hodgson. Is this true? Do you know?

  3. Laz, you're being too harsh on the mayor's brother. I hear he cleans a mean toilet, and you know that kind of toilet cleaner is hard to find these days. He's on special assignment to the MMB toilet and that you know is full of crap.

  4. To the first comment, let me say I agree completely. he must step down immediately because he DID break the public trust, and he displayed a serious and quite problematic character flaw which may only be the tip of the iceberg of some serious issues he has. Take time NOW to find out what you are doing with your life there, Duece Bigelow! Take care of yourself and your family. heal those pains first. Then see if the public wants you would not surprise me if the pressures of his civic responsibilities and working for a man whose stock and trade is always running for office might have resulted in this acting out!

    Do I think it's funny what happened?...No, not really in a hilarious sense. I must admit to my own level of "schatenfreud", I think the word is, the reveling in the agony of others...but that's my burden and character flaw, one of many I own. But I know them, or most of them, and that's a huge difference than what Bigelow did. He's sick and his family now is as well. Fall River? I truly do not think there is much hope for the City, not when this kind of man can be elected and reelected time after time. It just amazes me, the blatant dullardness of the average Fall River voter. I think it comes from fear and wanting hope SOOOO BADLY that they are the electoral equivelent of Ralph Cramden, always trying a get rich quick scheme that always fails....Coming back to being a good, healthy community takes hard work and careful, most often painful introspection. My hope for both this man and this City can do it starting now.

    And let me say that Mr. Soul Patch's family are innocents in aall this, yet they will suffer the same, and wirse, because of his actions. He must admit wrong to himself and the City. They will feel that and a bitterness of knowing they have to fell all that without having done anything to warrant their world being turned up-side down overnight. I know I'll say a prayer for his family, they are going to need it.

    As for the copmment removed by Lisa that was news to me...I will endeavor to find out if it is true...LMAO....wouldn't thzt be a hoot...I tell you thios, if it is true, it will be made known by tone of the two guys running against him this year...:-) I said, it's one of my "issues",,,lmao!

    Well, yes, and thank you for pointing that out to me, the human cesspool growing by leaps and bounds at MMB's office...he might be just the man for the can see him now, pushing that mop, baseball cap turned sideways ghetto style, cleaning up that imported crap fromj Rhode Island gushing out her water closet.....makes an immortal mental picture, doesn't it.

    For some reason....while I love laughing about this stuff, these animal acts perpetrated by trusted public servants, it comes to mind that this City has far too great a share of them in it's past....It really is time for something new!

    Like I've said many, many times on these pages, allmen and women have feet of clay during their seems to be the human I wish Bigelow well in taking care of himself and his family...and hope greatly that he does just that...but he must resign .

  5. You have city councilors that interfere with police investigations (Joe Camara) and that have special meetings for their buddies (Joe Camara) and now one that propositioned a police officer (Brian Bigelow). The annual top vote getter is a convicted felon (Leo Pelletier). And you have another that thinks he can build whatever he wants when he wants without adhering to the law and acquiring permits (Mike Lund).

    All in all this council is a huge embarassment to the city but the big problem is the foolish voters who elect them all over and over and over and over again.

    Will there be a revolution during next year's elections? There should be but there won't be.

    We elect dumb people to serve us and the impression that people have of our city is that both our elected officials and the people who elect them are dumb as dirt.

  6. The voters in Fall River have the collective intelligence of Hurricane's old individuals, if it rises over 82 IQ points it's a true accomplishment. But hey, that's just me being N-E-G-A-T-I-V-E...bhahahahah...

    It's entirely the voting public in Fall Rive5r that is to blame. it happens in every urban area, and seems part of American political and social culture. Different immigrant groups move into this country in waves. It takes a few generations for the young to become fully educated and adopt more mainstream ways of libving,, as well as a broader world view. The Irish have done it, so have the Italians, the French-Canadians, the Jews, mkany other cultures have gone on this journey. The troubling thing I see with our portuguese brothers and sisters in Fall River, and excuse me if I'm not being very "PC" here, is that there is a dearth of common sense, a lack of willingness to make this journey that must occur for the City to get beyond ethnic politics. It breeds fear and suspicion, to the point where voting only for my contrymen sharing my old country's last names, even if I know them to be bullies or scoundrels, or in some well known instances, actual felons, becomes more attractive than voting for someone who is Jewish, or Irish, or Italian, or any other "ethnic" group. And I truly believe the City suffers for it.

    That, and allowing that insipid moron Mike Herren back into the public conscience of Fall River. That would seal generational stupidity at an all time high!

    Hey folks...someone had to say it...I know you think it...

  7. Also...people still try to send threatening messages...such children...I guess it means I'm getting under the skin of the powers that be...GOOD...I've kept copies of them all silly little think I'll stop...pound sand clowns...

  8. In response to the question about Hodgson, it is true. He was caught in council chambers getting oral sex from a woman. That was the reason for his departure to Maryland. I got this straight from another councilor's mouth (if you'll excuse the pun).


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!