Friday, August 6, 2010

Shameful is as Shameful does

I have been asked several questions about the Mayor's hiring of his brother to a job in the School Department as a janitor.

Photo taken during mayoral campaign, showing  Flanagan's Moms (holding sign) ,  City Councillor Pat "never met a mayor I wasn't a hemorrhoid for" Casey and Fall River School system's newest Janitor, in the background, sporting the gang look! Oh yes, he must be a real bright boy, this one. You can hear it now.."What's the point of bein' Mayah if ya can't hiyah ya bruthah?.. I want him outta heeah, he needs a payin' jahb with insuuurence!"

Let me be direct in response:

He is the head of the School Committee by virtue of being Mayor of Fall is unthinkable that one so incompetent and so unprepared for the responsibilities on the office he holds would then turn around and put the final nail in the coffin of bad public opinion by an act of arrogance and hackery which directly refutes everything he said he stood for and would do if elected as Mayor. He has truly hoisted himself up on his own petard. It is right and just to assail him publicly for this  decision, which everyone with functioning brain cells knows he forced through the  School Committee. Only his collection of "Don't Be Negative, it's A beeeeutiful day in the Fall River" Flanagan bum kissing droids think otherwise.

It is not at all clear that he and the School Committee did not violate the letter and spirit of the law by making this appointment:

" Each such local director shall maintain rosters of labor service employees, by class, for each departmental unit in his city or town in the manner specified by M.G.L. c. 31, §71 and PAR.19 (2)(c).

All registers, requisitions, certifications and reports thereon, records of appointment, or copies thereof, and rosters shall be readily available for public inspection at the city or town hall or offices during regular business hours. Notice shall be posted at the location where such documents are made available advising applicants of their right to appeal to the administrator and, if they continue to be aggrieved, to the civil service commission with respect to any alleged irregularities. "

Just the dumbest thing this dummy as mayor could have done. It's a slap in the face of every taxpayer in Fall River, and every employee of the City. It IS a big deal. One of the commemters tried to equate what this mayor has done to what JFK did with hiring his brother Bobby to be the US Attorney General. I mean, what is in the water in Fall River to induce people to write such madness with the likelihood it will be printed? I just cannot understand the thought process. But what can you's the exact same thought process that elected this personally chosen by FROED Board members incompetent and camera crazy boy as mayor.

However...I bet his brother is more qualified to be the City's Tax Collector than the women he put in THAT position....

This City is doomed!


  1. I thought we had bottomed out as far as qualifications (or lack there of) for our financial officials. I guess not. At least we still have Mary $ahady to keep things quiet and line her pockets.

  2. I understand your outrage Laz but I have to say the people of this city don't seem to be getting as worked up about this as they did with several of the moves that Bob Correia made. Not sure why that is, I guess you can get away with more if your personality is a bit more sunshiny? I don't know.

    The other big thing I keep hearing is who is going to run against and beat Flanagan? At this point in Bob Correia's tenure it seemed almost a guarantee that Hague and Steve Camara and later on Viveiros would run and people thought they might have a chance against Correia. It looks like Kilby or Joe Camara or Pereira might be gearing up but people don't seem to be giving them the same type of odds of beating Flanagan as people gave others of beating Correia.

  3. To the first comment, yes, we have to endure yet another year with Haugue and Sahady as the City's auditors primarily because anyone with functioning brain cells in Fall River knows Ms. Sahady, who is a very qualified accounting professional, knows where the bodies are buried and has helped throw dirt over most of them, most likely. If she were to write a tell all book about her Fall River accounting experience it is one I'd love to read. All the stolen and misappropriated funds and equipment from City departments over the last 15-20 years? would be one helluva story....however, she's in so far now, actively covering everyone's ass by virtue of being com-petely co-opted with her appointment to the Fall River Housing Authority Board of Directors, she has totally, 100% , gone over to the dark side. She no longer has any credibility as an objective score keeper, and certainly cannot be counted on to write reasonable or useful management letter comments. Let's face it, if you say one year the cash account cannot be balanced with a difference of $3.5 million unaccounted for, then you "work" hard at getting it down to $1.5 million, but you say it's "to the good", you loose all credibility, because after all this time you either know why or two things are the case:

    * You are not a very good auditor, which I truly do not think is the case, OR

    * Your employers and their minions do not want you to find out the how's and why's...not at least until some very important people currently involved in City government pass away!

    Folks, there's a boatload of problems in the City's cash accounts, and that's the WORST thing to occur in any financial entity's set of financials. The fact that it remains unbalanced means the City's financials could be extremely misleading, and I have no idea how the City is obtaining access to credit markets, most likely only through very, very expensive bond insurance policies!

    Flanagan's world is going to start to fall apart. He has no talent to run the City...I don't really think he WANTS the job...he hasn' the ability or temperment to do so. He's a not very bright, badly educated attorney with a built-in halting "Faw..ahhh...Rivah..ahhh... acksen" that makes him sound like a fool on his best days. he consorts with the lowest forms of human life in Fall River, Fiola, Torres, Baccari, and a host of members of the FROED Board of Directors. He's a lot like the way Oscar Shindler describes himself..."I'm all about the flash, the presentation", only he has no flash, his presentations are horrible and unimpressive and the only thing he's able to save are campaign contributions to run for a higher office. THEN, you look at his very wan accomplishments while mayor, which are outweighed by his outright lies and broken promises since being in office. The hiring of his brother with his REAL last name is only the latest foible.
    So it also bogles my mind when NO ONE is capeable to run and beat this guy in an election.
    It's the trademark of an uneducated,terrified and desperate electorate who will vote for the candidate promising the most outlandish things, and the same thinsg , every election like "re-vitalize the waterfront", "open up the Quequechan River", and last years, "the CSO fee is really an illegal tax and I'll repeal it!".


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!