Monday, September 14, 2009


Let me pose a very serious question.

Has this administration done ANYTHING right since coming into office?

Today we learn that a remodleing of space at Durfee High School has been started without any of the requisite permits , insurances or plans being filed. No inspections had been completed when Building Inspector William H. McGrady stepped on site to, probably, have a crap hemmorage of legendary proportions at what he witnessed. And at this very minute, he's probably worried about wheter he'll be a victim of the GREAT PURGER, our very own Generalissimo Correia.

"Building Inspector William H. McGrady Jr. notified Thomas Coogan, chief operating officer for the School Department, of the problem in a Sept. 2 letter. Renovations of the B.M.C. Durfee High School are underway and proceeding without proper permits, licenses and insurance for contractors performing the work,” McGrady wrote.
McGrady informed Coogan the work was in violation of state building codes and laws, and ordered all work to cease and desist."

The odd thing about this story in the FRHN was that it was not published until TODAY, a mere 10 DAYS after the discovery of what I would think would be very important news to City residents, especially parents of children attending Durfee High School! More about this in a few moments. By all means, please read on, I have only just begun to taste bile about this issue.

Where to begin when you have such a target rich enviorment. Oh, of course - The Mayor, the person who, as self proclaimed syndicate boss of the School Committee, aka Papa Gepetto, is absolutely the no room to squirm out of it, must accept all blame for this fiasco, string puller on this shabby, shameful deal. How can such a man continue as Mayor of Fall River when all he has done is to try to line his own pockets with your money, your pride, you loyalty, your peace of mind and now your blood as well. Imagine school children walking into a building where construction is going on without the benefit of wiring being checked, construction standards being verified, or plans being certified. Imagine there being no Certificates of Insurance in place in case an industrial/construction accident occurred on site, and imagine what THAT would have cost the City? Imagine a remodeling project in a public building with a person in charge having no formal construction experience what-so-ever, only knowing the ins and outs of fitting mufflers to the bottom of rusted out undercarriges of motor vehicles. I don't think that's quite the same piping used in plumbing, Mr. Coogan!
No, Tweedle Dum on the 6th Floor of City Hall owns all of this rotten butternut squash! It's his problem, just like the campaign donations probably coming from each member of the work crews on these projects are his. I wonder if any of this work was put out to public bid? Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMMM. I wonder if all the work crews on this project come from MA, let alone Fall River? More things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM. I mean, Mayor Moron owns every bit of this scandalous failing of the public trust. I wonder if all the members of the work crews working on this project were checked, as required by state and federal law, to make sure they were in this country legally?"...I can't hum any more!
The worst part of this debacle is that he will try to throw up the same "It's not my fault" excuses he keeps in that special closet in his office with a name plate that reads "Open in Case of Emergency". The inventory in that closet of excuses is running dangerously low Mayor "ItsNotMyFault"! Hope you know that, and are making the appropriate plans for an earlier than expected trip out of town next January.

As for Mr. Coogan, good jobs at good wages are hard to find, that I understand. You have been put into a very, very bad position sir, to work at a job for which you lack any qualifications at all. You could have at least called around to find out what you should do. If these were not project transactions completed "at arms length" you are about to be put under one extremely uncomfortable and ugly microscope. I'm sure nothing in your previous career changing mufflers was anything like the ceaseless public pounding you are about to take. (Three years as a teacher does NOT a career make, no matter what MMB and Mayor Moron say) I'll tell you to bow out gracefully now, because those who put you in this position are now going to scramble to save their own scarred skins. You are on your own, no matter what they tell you to your face. Resign and save yourself the agony of what will come. And trust me, it WILL come.

To MMB and the School Committee. What the heck were you thinking? What utter hubris! All I can say is that if any of the incumbents on the School Committee hope to escape this parade of fools they have to act quickly and assail this condemned project ASAP. Throw it back where it belongs , to MMB and the man who is riding your reputations to a cushy retirement, the meglomaniacal, despotic and paranoid Mayor Moron ( I hear paranoia in a person his age is one of the first concrete signs of senility. The other is bad car crashes without seeing the driver who you hit that also had the right of way!) It is inexcusable that you would place school children and school employees in physical danger in a place where no plans were prepared, no permits were recieved, no inspections were taking place, by workers who probably were not qualifed to do the work performed. You run a school system, not a Mayoral patronage project, even though Mr. Coogan is increasingly looking like this year's "Hack of Hacks" appointment. Shame, Shame, Shame. The best thing that can happen at this point is a complete turn-over on the School Committee - at least it would save you the ignominious embarrassemnt of having to explain what happened. IDIOTS ONE AND ALL!

And to think , all that Mr. Coogan had to do was pick up a phone and ask someone how to do his job. Or read a book or two. They certainly are there for anyone to read. It's not a secret that such public projects have stringent requirements. There are numerous publications for those involed in such projects to follow. Even in MA it's broken down for you step by step, form by form. It's easy, even Dummies can do it.

(Nope..won't say's too easy and he's got a rough road ahead)

AS for the FRHN: Who can read your rag paper and not laugh at you?! You print stories long after they occur when you think the subjects of the story are out of immediate danger. That's if you like them or agree with their viewpoint. Just stop printing. No wait...I'm going to buy a canary...keep printing!

Bobbo, your time is running out...even Fall Riverites aren't THIS stupid!

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