Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Hunt for the Great White Whale

"As the waves subside we note, for all yee intrepid mates upon the good ship FR Herald News Commentors, the lifeless body of the great fish Moby Dick. WE see the many arrowed spears thrown deep inside the hulking rancid beast that terrorized the seas and people of the Township of Fall River. Look yee to the lifeless eyes that roll without control from one side to the next as the waves of infamy wash upon it's ancient skin and take the lifeless carcass further and further to the end which only Providence could deliver. And we thank the selfless, toiling crew whose successful and endless efforts vanquished the satanic leviathan with truth and blood and devotion to their blessed task in the name of freedom from tyranny. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS"

A salute to the much maligned COMMENTORS to the pages of the Fall River Herald News who literally, in more then a few cases, risked their careers and possessions for merely partaking of their constitutional rights to express their opinions and inform the public of what they saw as endless danger posed to Fall River by the beast known as Robert Correia and his thuggish minions. Good riddance to them all!

As I went to the FRHN site last night and received the first inklings that truth won over lies I felt a certain pride that I was one of the first clarions banned by the miserable and shameful editor of the FRHN , the Great Sea Hag Strattan. Even last night she was editing the simplest remarks made by joyful participants on the comments page. Talk about sore losers! You've been shown for the duplicitous weasel you are Madame Editor. I dare say you are now one of the last remaining bogey men in Fall River. And I am just as sure that you will do your darndest to interfere in the upcoming final election, probably becoming BFF's with the reaming incumbents in the other two races.

Hey, Meg Mayo Brown? (PFFFTTTTTT) How's that whole Mayoral lapdog thing working out for you today? (PFFFTTTTTT) I bet your secretaries keep asking each other what that strange sucking sound is coming from behind your sand bag barricaded door. It must be tough trying to sit and concentrate when your butt keeps puckering up that way! How the proverbial worm turns, eh? I hope someone called the late , great School Superintendent Nick Fischer to share the jubilee with him.....can you imagine the world class grin on HIS face today? ONE BACKSTABBER DOWN, ONE TO GO! Don't do anymore unpacking Meg chickybaby, chickysweets. You've gone from queen to ham & egger overnight. Enjoy the bumpy ride out of town. And in true gutless fashion, expect those who hoisted you up on that petard to be the very first to hang you on it!. You'll see at the very next School Committee meeting. I know I'll have my popcorn ready!

AS for Moby his BAD (and I don't mean good) self, just try to keep the skulduggery to a minimum on your way out the door. Only fools on either the School Committee or the City Council still facing re-election will allow you to do things to further hurt Fall River. Watch, you'll see. This next few months will give a whole new meaning to the term lame LAME DUCK! Your time in the spotlight ended at 8 PM last night. But hey, why waste another moment talking about your newly retired behind. Step off, small change!

Hurricane, Hurricane, Hurricane! I give your employment at WSAR about 6 months. I would also now get ready for a long and expensive criminal court probation. You are now a GIANT LIABILITY to your benefactors, the Karams and DA Sutter. The DA now has to look forward to a re-election after very publicly backing a man most people in Fall River think is a crooked Pol and a bum. Don't believe them when they tell you everything is in the bag. You ran your very loud mouth for the past two years in support of this crack-pot Mayor, and railed against the people who defeated Moby Dick including the FRHN COMMENTORS who now revel in your agony. My advice to you is to go to rehab, take a remedial reading and writing course, and find fulfilling employment far away from anything having to do with the media.

And a final salute to my brothers and sisters who regularly add their wit and wisdom to the comments sections of the FRHN. YOU made this happen. This victory is yours and the people of Fall River. There is still much work to do, incumbents to defeat, a City to save. The labor will require persistent effort and an ever watchful eye. But such eternal vigilance is the cost of democracy. And you showed the entire City exactly what the payoff can be. Thank you very, very much.

A special thanks to my friends Charlotte and Fightin' Mike the Fireman....enjoy what you have earned. I'm happy for both of you.....Hey, Wigberto!...Got my eye on you, bucko...(wink).

I will, in the very near future, start to review what I believe Fall River must begin to do to solve our financial dilemmas. So hold onto your hats Fall River, cause the Lazmanian Devil is about to start spinning!

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Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!