Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just a reminder about Scott Brown!!!!!!

I thought I'd remind all you undecided voters out there about a tasty little tidbit about Republican candidate for  US Senate Scott Brown . If you believe that it's a very difficult thing for any person to change their essential being, you should re-read this little gem which ran in  Cape Cod Today in 2007. I think it says volumes about the character of this guy....and would YOU want him representing YOU in the US Senate?

Brown is not beautiful
 (but he was in Comos as a "Hunk")

"This is a great story about how State Senator Scott Brown, (on right in Cosmo) out of Wrentham and leading candidate for the Massachusetts Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2008, had a "meltdown" in front of 80 King Philip's High School students at a student assembly. Brown had asked to speak to the students because he felt he had been "abused" by student detractors from King's Philip High School who made fun of him on their student run internet chatroom, "facebook."

At the assembly in King Phillip's High School auditorium, State Senator Brown called each student out, one by one, using curse words that every mother would be horrified to hear and would've covered their children's ears if they were there. Above the protests of all the teachers who were aghast at the state Senator's anti-social behavior and foul language, Brown refused to stop his child-like tirade calling each student out one by one in great pleasure.

If this man thinks he should be entitled to the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate just because there are only a few GOP contenders out there, then how can a man with such thin skin be able to defeat John Kerry whose skin is thin and cold-blooded already. What make's Brown think he can represent Massachusetts as United States Senator when it's obvious he can't even handle a few teenagers teasing him."(source: capecodtoday)

How is this man going to react to adult democrats? What will he say in publc? Think about it!

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Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!