Monday, January 4, 2010

OH NO!!!...IT'S SPORT COAT!!!!!!


1. Sport coat
Descriptive of a player, who's slick, and all about himself, confident. A nick name for a dude who's got it going on, or thinks he does

" Yo, you look like da king napster of porn sport coat, you dog!"

pimp ladies man dude slick player

2. Sport Coat
A guy who is screwing your girl while you are away, especially in prison. See "Jody"

Your girl comes to see you on the weekend, but Sport Coat is f@&*king her during the week.

jody sport's coat sports coat sportcoat sportscoat

3. sport coat

What the biggest pimps wear when they are looking fresh.

Yo, thats a pimped skizzed sport coat playa. they inaugurated all of Fall River's elected officials...I can't wait until they decide to expand the term of Mayor to four (4) years so they have a chance to effectuate real and meaningful change before making them cow-tow to popular sentiment and lie their collective butts off just to win reelection, like the popular litany of promises that never seems to happen; "fix the schools, restore public safety, develop the waterfront, improve the local economy", and my personal favorite, because it just AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN any time in the next 20 years ,my friends, "lower property taxes and sewer rates". How many times did you hear this crap being spoken by every single candidate for City Council and Mayor last year?...or two years before that?....or ten years before that?...or twenty years before that? What's that definition of insanity? Oh yeah, " doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". Well, this whole City has gone CHICKEN CRAZY! IT'S BAT GUANO,  WING NUT CRAZY! This isn't a case of voters being eternally hopeful, it's a flat out case of voters being FALL RIVER STUPID! When it comes to swallowing the same old election year pap from the same old collection of Pinocchio boy's and girl's running for elective office in Fall River, if the City was a child, and the election was a stove, this kid would have lost it's hands to third degree burns long ago! It just never, ever learns. But hey, if you were a local Pol, why not trot out all the same old B.S. if the voters are stupid enough to accept it, right?! Can't blame them, right?!

Not so fast my little chickadees! I got a huge gripe with one clown on the City Council in particular. The head Bozo, in fact. You guessed it, one Joseph "Sport Coat" Camara! As you can see from the "Urban Dictionary" definitions above, "Sport Coat" is a clown who wears a loud sport coat and a louder permanent smile, thinking he's all that when he is far from anything at all and trying to B.S. everybody when he's so transparent he's akin to a man with an x-ray machine permanently attached to his rib cage! That's our Joey...Joey "Sport Coat". I also call  Brian Bigelow " sport coat" but that's because he's always smiling that idiot's smile and saying things like "I'm an accountant, a vote for me is a vote for financial stability" and is serious, especially after the place he works for as Comptroller, the County Jail, just finished the year a mere $9.5 million over budget and had to be taken over by the state! Yeah, I just dig that financial stability there, "Sport Coat"! From now on, since Joey Sport Coat was once again elected President of the City Council, and Brian "sport coat" is just, well, dumbass, smilin' Brian, Brian Bigelow will now be "sport coat the Lesser".
Why my strong opinion about Joey Sport Coat? He was Correia The Destroyer's hemmoroid! Correia had no bigger fan on the City Council and he had way too many!
This clown undermined rational leadership and responsible representative governance by pulling stunts like holding meetings on Friday afternoons when the general public would be working and no one but those participants with skin in the game would attend. Sickening. This is a guy who trades on his Portuguese heritage and comes across like a man of the people when he's just a hack and gutless wonder who refused to stand up to the worst, most despotic opportunist this City has ever seen as mayor. (And let me tell you my friends, he SOUNDS like a guy with a third grade education when he speaks - the suits can't make up for the man who fills them, Joey Sport Coat!)
If Joey Sport Coat stands up to Ol' Hamhocks LaRue , there's no bleeding of $11 million in Free Cash, there are no unaudited fiscal years without a fight and public questioning, and there are no gross conflicts of interest like a principal of the City's Audit firm maintaining the contract for audits AND a Correia appointed seat on the Board of Directors of the Fall River Housing Authority! Everything Correia wanted he got with no argument from this smilin' phony. In the Italian to English dictionary, there's a picture of this guy next to the term "GAVONE"!
All this brings us to today's inauguration. would it surprise you to hear him say he's excited about our prospect for "Greatness"?  Dig this :

“As a newly re-elected city councilor, I cannot help but feel a heightened sense of purpose,” Camara said.
He re-emphasized his statement when elected president two years ago that “Fall River is on the threshold of greatness… I firmly believe these words to be true today,” Camara said.
He said the council needs to act purposefully to improve the quality of schools and its commitment to public safety and public works services.
He said when it comes to negotiating contracts with city workers, they should be treated fairly and honestly, while working toward “the common good.”
“The time for action is now,” said Camara, who used a quote by John F. Kennedy and life-saving action by Mother Theresa in the Middle East to reflect what he believes is possible to achieve."

Wow....just too, too much even for a guy who's a butt licking salesman for a living...couldn't tell , huh? And he sure lets the voters of Fall River know how stupid he thinks they are by using those lofty names like "JFK" and "Mother Theresa" , two names I could NEVER mix up with Joey Sport Coat or Correia The Destroyer, just to sound lofty, like a man with high ideals. Nope, anyone that close to Correia has no idea what lofty ideals are because "Correia" and "lofty ideals" are mutually exclusive terms!
A "heightened sense of purpose"? Yeah, pending municipal bankruptcy after your best political buddy just ran through $11 million on God-knows-what and left the City with $4.5 million in deficit in the Sewer Enterprise Funds ($1 million already covered by the General Fund and the rest to be decided), would certainly be cause for A "heightened sense of purpose". Threashold of Greatness? WTF? I said W-T-F? This guy really is a hoot at a funeral, isn't he? Just a clown is about the best thing I can say about Joey Sport Coat
Joey, I have to be honest with you. I have this little trick I use to motivate me. I like to pick the biggest boogie man I can think of and make them my universal object of sarcasm and derision. Since Correia is gone and that leaves a vacumn, and since nature abhors a vacumn, I'm going to fill that sarcasm void with YOU for the next two years! Count on it Joey Sport Coat. And I don' think I'm going to stop until you are no longer a member of the City Council! Keep smiling and talking crap, Joey Sport Coat.
We'll be watching!


  1. Great stuff. But having 2 named "Sport Coat" on the Council poses a problem. Might I suggest "Elbow Patch" for one of them? Now "Ice" as he prefers to be known, will need a full time gig to boost his pension some day. (You know the old full-time pension for a part-time career thing you have in MA.) What position do you think he would be best suited for? Once Ray Hague puts in his "3 for a lifetime pension" that opens up the Veterans Agent. What about "community liason", or CDA? You do realize he must curry favor will all the Mayors until he gets his appointment. You never know when one of those slots will open up.

  2. "ICE"? in "shaved ice" or "vanilla ice"? still carries a boom box around with him to official events and plays a mix tape of "Ice, Ice, BABY!" in a continuous loop.......I hope Freddy Mercury comes back and scares the BEEGEEZUS out of the fool!("Give us a kiss, LUV!")...lmao....
    Let's for both...I hear they need a new anchor for the battleship Massachusetts...maybe FROED can get a fed grant and fund the position of "ANCHOR" in the City's Budget, then give it to "Sea Ray" Hague!...OK, let's see that's ONE...the next..oh hell yeah...ICE can have the job of door holder at the soon to be constructed "MOTHER OF ALL OUTHOUSES AND HOT DOG STANDS" at the high school athletic stands, again funded in the budget from a fed grant thanks to Kenny "the weeper" Fiola at FROED. If FROED can't get both grants, I'm sure the school can kick in a Title I grant position , just like they've been doing for the patronage cause for years and's a Fall River institution.


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!