Friday, January 8, 2010



It sounds so bizarre to hear a Mayor for a municipality anywhere in the United States in the year 2010 have to make a statement that the "GAG ORDER HAS BEEN LIFTED". Just imagine the absolute terror Correia the Destroyer tried to instill in every department head at Fall River City Hall. They all knew they'd better darn well do as he said or they'd be out of jobs. This swine was a bully, pure and simple. I sincerely hope that all those on the City Council who carried his water understand how deeply their reputations and future prospects for election in this City will forever be damaged because of their staunch support for all things Correia. And you deserve it. Especially this idiot salesman Joey Camara.  I mean, how spineless must the other members of the City Council be NOT to elect someone else President of the City Council. Sorry Joey, you will forever own the only title you deserve...CORREIA'S BUTT-BOY !!!

Only the most dim of this City's bulbs could not see what this clown Correia was from the very beginning. His reputation of being a Neanderthal"ish" cretin has been known at the State House for decades, from day 1 in his service. It's so unfortunate that people from Fall River who never venture from the boundries of this City never hear what is said about some of our representatives to the Great and General Court. If you got out of the house  , so to speak, you would have known that those who had any dealings with him, or knew of him,  would tell you that every horror story connected to this guy we are now hearing are  NOT a surprise to them. Not at all. In fact, more horror stories are likely coming your way thanks to the mental meanderings on the dark side of one Ol' Hamhocks LaRue.

 WE just have to give Mayor Flanagan a few months to sort out all of this guy's, his staff's and supporter's misdeeds before making any kind of lasting judgement about the new Mayor. Imagine how tired Mayor Flanagan is tonight! How his head must be spinning just thinking about all the rumors he's heard about life under the Great Pretender. He was probably AMAZED to see the AMOUNT of obvious relief on the faces of his department heads about lifting this Gag Order! A whole bunch of what some people reported as sullen, rude behavior on the part of City Hall employees was probably directly related to not having the freedom to answer questions and actually do their jobs. And as I write this all I can keep thinking about is how GUILTY Correia must have been feeling for things he was doing, or knew he was about to do, to throw up such a blanket blockade of information. Oh, I'm quite sure his apologists will say this was done to have only "ONE voice speak for his administration and to make sure accurrate information was given to the public, and blah, blah, blah..." Yeah, I worked in municipal government for years, I know the excuse! This was nothing more than a control, a blatant power move. It was like a dog urinating on your lawn to mark it as his territory, nothing more. No, if there is some kind of combination possible of the legal concept of what is called "Conciousness of Guilt" and what in a psychological sense was an effort to conceal the true essence of Bobbo and what evil he had up his sleve, this gag order was a reflection of that.  I promise you all, we are going to keep hearing nasty things about what this chump pulled as the days and weeks and months roll by! It's going to be bad business indeed. Like I have already said on this blog, he was nothing more than an "ID" with shoes.
Now the chickens are coming home to roost, or be fired, as the case may be. Resignations would reflect a sense of honest pride , something we all now know was sorely lacking in Correia and his supporters. Like the City he was elected to run and onto which he hung a self mocking motto, "Pride City Wide", I'm sure he never felt pride for what he had done here as mayor. But I also do not think him capable of feeling shame either. An ID with shoes, a real budding sociopath, indeed. A politician totally devoid of a soul.

I say VIVA LA REVOLUCION! Between this news and the announcement of the DEATH of the "Pride, City Wide" motto and City Seal, plus the expungement of all traces of The Great Pretender from the City's web site, we may have turned a critical corner for recovery of Fall River's soul. PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY SMILE TOMORROW MORNING AND NOT KNOW WHY! But they soon will. VIVA LA REVOLUCION! The streets will spontaneously fill with cheering throngs marching down Pleasant Street, South Main Street, North Main Street, Robeson Street and Plymouth Ave., all headed for City Hall! VIVA LA REVOLUCION! Fire engines and police cars with their sirens blaring and their strobes on will circle City Hall as Fall River officials, once kept under lock and key and virtual indentured servitude by the Great Tyrant Correia will be hoisted upon the shoulders of THE PEOPLE and carried to the top of City Hall steps to make impassioned speachess declaring the City's freedom from the clutches of the dreaded, ham handed oppressor Correia. Someone will pass out large yellow beach balls with photo's of Correia attached with the crowd exorted to "Pound the Grapefruit" in "honor" of the toppled dictator in his Florida exile! And finally, Mayor Flanagan will lead the crowd in the chant they all came to hear...

Well...I can dream, can't I?......   :)


  1. Next comes the school department?? Yes??

  2. That would be quite lovely....but I think we shall all find the REAL skullduggery going on those grant accounts!


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!