Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Best City Councilor (so far this year)

File this one under giving credit where credit is due department.

I am sure that those who claim to know my mind better than I might be taken aback somewhat by who I think has done the best job overall on the City Council so far in 2010. I tell you folks out there that I have my own opinions and don't drink anyone's Kool-Aid. So get a grip of your hats because here it comes:

To date this year, the best City Council performance has been turned in by........

Council Vice President Linda Pereira

I have always said that Councilor  Linda Pereira has been a consistent defender of her constituents and has provided great service to those individuals having  issues with government and problems getting responses. She returns phone calls. She researches solutions. Yes, she has strong opinions, but isn't that what each of the Councilors are suppossed to do on every issue that comes before the Council? Sure, they need to be able to compromise whenever their beliefs allow them to do so, and I think she's done that.

Frankly, no one in the City works harder than she does to tackle pertinent issues facing Fall River. You know where she stands. She's not a "B.S. er", she's as direct as the rays of the sun  in the middle of a July day. She's a leader on the Council where in many years since I've been here there was only lip service paid to the term, or was only evident on devisive issues where blatant political sides were being taken. She's willing to take unpopular positions when she thinks it's the right thing to do, but you know her reasons, and you have to respect that. She speaks clearly and plainly and you know where she stands. You cannot say that about any other Councilor currently serving. Thank God there is at least one independant voice on the City Council unafraid to represent her constituents or fight for the positions on issues she thinks are critical to the welfare of the citizens of Fall River. In short, whether you like her or do not, you have to respect who she is and what she does. That's just being fair.

Sometimes in politics, fair is a thoroughly acceptable concept. It is in this case.

Thank you Councilor  Linda Pereira for your strong constituent service and leadership on issues of importance to the citizens of Fall River. Like your positions or not, you lead, which among this City's politicians is as rare as hen's teeth. It is by taking real stands on issues that policy compromise is possible, not by laying in the weeds waiting for an opportunity to LOOK like a statesman. You never stay in the weeds. You stand in the clear light of day.

Thank you!


  1. Can you name a few things that Linda has done so far this year that merits this praise?

  2. As painful as it might be for me because I haven't supported her in the past and didn't vote for her this past election and think the incident where she involved herself with police was stupid I do have to agree with you Laz that Linda Pereira has done a good job on the city council during her current term in office. I can't say that for years past but I have been watching the meetings on tv this year and she has done well.

    But to say that Linda is the best of them all is somewhat of a stretch. From the meetings I have watched it is clear that the councilors that just got on this past election, Kilby, Mitchell and Poulin seem to have lit a fire under everyone's collective butts because it seems like every meeting that I watch on the telly that they have been sponsoring resolutions left and right on crime and other issues. Linda seems like she is working well with that new group and that she is also raising issues on her own which she hasn't done before so you are right to give credit where it's due Laz but I don't think you should ignore the impact that some of the councilors elected this past season have had on the overall council because I think some of them have raised the bar for the better.

    If I was giving out a best of award Linda would definitely be in contention but I would probably pick one of those other 3 before her. Just the way I see it Laz but I agree with your overall sentiments about her recent performance.

  3. Thanks to both contributors for taking the time to comment. We are all given the right to voice our opinions on this site.

    In terms of the first comment, I can note support for the Casino as first and foremost on my list,even though she shares that with Kilby. Also, she has sponsored the ordinance to mandate a residency requirement for new City employees. It is obvious by watching the sub-committe meetings on cable that she's extremely active and a leader on whatever committee she contributes to.

    In terms of the second commenter, I agree that the new additions to the City Council have spurred greater activity on the Council as a whole. But the new level of activism and individuality demonstrated by LP reflects such a change, and a move away from the sometimes poisonous politics that went on last year...I think it needs a public acknowledgement.
    And the deciding factor for the lead...no one, and I mean no one on that Council provides as good constituent service as LP, and that means alot, and explains her popularity.

  4. At best, Linda would still be behind Poulin, Kilby, and Mitchell, as the previous commenter already stated.

  5. Linda does do good constituent service and I have heard that Leo does as well and that the so-called newbies Mitchell and Poulin also get back to people and follow up which is very important, I agree with you 100% about constituent service Laz. Those are the 4 names I keep hearing when people tell me about getting return calls and getting things done. I've heard many negative remarks regarding Casey, Bigelow, Lund and Camara and their constitutent service or lack thereof. I haven't heard anything either positive or negative about Kilby and how he does with that so I can't comment on him.

  6. Thank you all for your comments and I'll leave it at that.

  7. I'm sorry, but I just can't get past the fact that she looks just like one of my uncles wearing a horrible black wig. Linda Pereira looks like a female impersonator, she may be a great City Councilor, but she looks like a dude.

    -Wiggy B

  8. Another great personal observation by the Wigster himself! ...lmao, rofl....No, I can't say what I'm thinking or I'll be arrested...AHHH...thanks George, John says no comment...lmao! And that's a first! LOL

  9. Leo may do great constituent service but since I have been watching the council meetings on tv this year I haven't heard him ask one tough question. He practically falls all over himself to kiss the butts of every department head that comes before him so maybe that's how he is able to get things done for people so easily. These department heads probably appreciate the cakewalk from Leo "Butt Kiss" Pelletier.

    The only things Leo has pushed hard for on the council so far have been an LNG terminal and strippers. And I think there was one meeting I watched where he wanted a developer to build near our water supply. Quite the track record! Leo really looks out for the big picture.

  10. Hey...all I'll say is if you're invited over for "breakfast", DON"T GO!...lmao

  11. If Linda is the best then please award the worst city councilor of the year award.

  12. Or Casey or Bigelow or Lund or Pelletier...


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