Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today I was reading comments made about one of the articles in today's online version of the Fall River Herald News (FRHN). Reading those comments of late is better than watching the John Stuart Show for pantloads of laughs. There I noticed a cryptic comment about " the Hurricane getting canned". I thought to myself, "Naw, that can't be, he's dug into the Karam's hide deeper than an Alabama tick!

So I checked the WSAR website. And he was still listed on the intro page to the site, so I decided to tune into the live feed. It was 4:25 P.M. But where was The Hurricane? Then I checked the list of daily on air talent at the station and he had magically been expunged from the list, as if he never existed. I thought to myself, this must be serious. Maybe he left to coach that proposed minor league basketball team, which they'll probably name the Fall River BLUNDER, not Thunder, like in Oklahoma City......Yeah, ANYWAYS!

So all I found on the station when I went back to see if he was on the air were these statements from the front page of the "SAR web site:

No matter where in the world you are, you're never far away from Bristol County's favorite stop for news, sports and talk!
1480 WSAR is live and streaming on from the moment you wake up with Happy Hec to the final stop at the end of your day on The Highway Home.
Hear the region's only station for local talk no matter where you are. You can even hear us live on your mobile device!
Miss that big interview the Hurricane had? Couldn't catch the Newsroom at Noon? Want to hear the WSAR Editorial again? Thumb through the Podcasts! Every newscast, every interview, every special event and even programming from "The Voice of Business."

So, understandably, my curiosity was peaked. I went  back to the FRHN article and saw this response to the earlier comment about "the Hurricane getting canned":

" meghen2 hours ago Report Abuse.........
FRCITYPRIDE , please tell me why you ride mike herrens jock so bad did he bang your girl/wife or your mother? "

Then I knew it must be true! How could you argue with such a comfirmatory statement by one of the true Fall River intelligencia. I tell you, that Hurricane does run with an interesting group of classy friends!

So...where does that leave me in this quest to discover, "Wither the Hurricane"?

I know.....a poster, like he's a lost puppy...because, in all seriousness, Dude is tres lost and needs help!

Reward for Information

Was He "Canned" by WSAR ?
If So, WHY ?
Likes to Drink Himself Into A Stupor At
CLUB "Flaunt" (pronounced flawn-eh)

Well folks, there you have it. That's this weeks public service announcement. I hope this generates interest enough so that I actually receive responses that do not include rude things said about my mother. But knowing the Hurricane's buddies, I'm sure that's an impossible request.


  1. Ok Laz I admit I occasionally tune into the "Highway Home" just to remind myself why I don't listen. Am I speaking in tounges? Nah, Herren is like a bad car accident. You feel horrible, you pity those involved, even the police get your pity for having to deal with the carnage, but you just can't help yourself, you have to stare.....

    Maybe he's in rehab. Maybe to guys wearing white clothes, driving a white van picked him up. Either way, he won't be missed.

    A Fan....

  2. To both of my readers I say, thank you for taking the time to read these humble words. I also agree with the first reader that he's just such a sad soul, and God only knows what he's up to now. I honestly have a concern for him, he's a needy, hurting person surrounded by fawners and synchophants. I truly hope he's OK.

    And to the second reader...Thanks for dropping by and I'll try to keep this blog informative!

  3. More importantly, is there any truth to the rumor that Herren accounts for 27% of the screen names and 43% of all comments on the Herald News website and various blogs? Curious people would like to know...

  4. Well now, THAT'S a GOOOOOOD question indeed!...Don't think of them as screen names, think of them as the many faces of a person with Multiple Personality Disorder with each episode brought on by differing times he finally passes out each morning. For example, if it's 3 AM, he's "Luke Urban"....if it's 4 AM, it's "ucantbeserious".....and so on....if it's on the half hour anytime after 5 AM, he's any screen name persona that starts a posting with "I am not Mike Herren, but I know him, and...." You'll see, because this has been highly studied by the psychology department at UMASS/Dartmouth.

  5. Didn't he have a court date in plymouth recently?

  6. According to another blog, Mike Herren just got out of the hospital for an undisclosed reason. I replied that now he has an excuse to abuse presciption drugs :)

    Hey Laz, how about an blog on the funding that just came through to clean up the city pier. You know, the pier that Jimmy and Bob Karam had the city steal from Tom Koolan and hold for them for 25 plus years? Did you see the picture of Ken Fiola holding a giant check like he just won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes? What a maroon!

    Seriously though, I'd love to hear your take on this story...

    -Mr. Harrison

  7. I must tell you I have had a few things going on of late that will mean big changes in my life, so I have not been as diligent as usual...I'll pull that article apart and see what I can find out....but I was told today that there was some kind of outburst our favorite radio legend had with a phone call on the air from The Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson, and that he was even worse than he usually is...and that he went to the prison to see the Sheriff. (Maybe checking out a future sleeping arrangement, who knows? If that's the case he's improving...finally a bit of proactive planning!) If I'm not mistaken, the Karams supported the Sheriff, and he spends alot for advertising, can't piss off the big spenders, especially when the owners back the guy you pissed off!

  8. Yes...I also thought he had a very important court date soon....who knows, he's such a tin-pot tyrant wannabe that if he was sentenceed to jail for a while he'd have strings pulled to have it hidden from prying eyes at his usual drunk stool at "CLUB FLAUN-EH", where all three of Fall River's beeeutiful people meet...the rest are just crack hoes and hood wannabes!

  9. SUCH JEALOUSY LAZ!!!!...I just thought I'd save them the trouble...LMAO! :-)

  10. The Karams told Herren he had to apologize to Hodgson to get back on the air
    Mike Coogan says he has an on air inteview with Herren this week.
    If Mikey goes back on the air, it's because he apologized to Hodgson

  11. Maybe Hurricaine can get a job at The Sterile News...His mom Lease A Stratton is a boss there

  12. Here's to hoping the Hurricane is chock full of the foolish pride we all know he constantly him to go back now and kiss Hodgeson's arse would be the final act of any sense of guts he has...he'd be just another Fall River character stuck in palookaville! Just what the City needs!


    What, as an enforcer for delinquent Herald News paper routes? I've never seen that before "LEASE A Stratton"..lmao! Good work!

    BTW...think about this one...who in their right minds is going to make MH the coach of a basketball team when they have to invest their actual capital in the venture? Would you call that a good, solid business decision? And don't give me that "LEGEND" crap...that's only in his own mind. More people would come to see him pull a Bobby Knight tantrum display each night than watch him "coach" his teaM TO LOSS AFTER LOSS.Eventually, even his most ardent fans would stop showing up...aside from the fact that the guys on the team should have a better chance to reach their own dreams than by being attached to this City's favorite Millstone.

  13. Michael Herren would love to be a coach in the style of Uday Hussein.

    Saddam's eldest son was a feared bully along the streets of Baghdad and would torture and beat players for losing.

    Has everyone heard Michael's interview with Cookie Monster? I saw it on the HN comments and it's pretty funny.

  14. Herren and B. Karam are very much alike. They probably had a knockdown drag-out screaming match about the Hodgson interview. Then, I imagine, Boo-boo put Mike on ice until he (Bob) was good and ready to have him back. Some Red Sox day games made it easier, and today was a state holiday so Fox Sports was on the menu (even though the other hosts worked today. We know the expectations are different for Hurricane.)

    My guess --- he'll be back and everyone will celebrate the return and Herren will drink it up as the egomaniac he is. He is a train wreck (I'm not the first to note this) and he will eventually burn too many brodges, between the court cases, lawsuits, and unharnessed ego. This too will soon end....badly.

  15. First, I'd like to thank my last two guests for their comments, thanks for taking time out of your day to write in...

    I follwed the web site address and listened to the Hurricane attack the Sheriff yet still be beaten in a match of wits with an imaginary puppet figure grunting responses and making more sense than the attacker...LOL!...that was a great YOUTUBE entry and thanks for the web site!

    Yeah, unfortunately I also think he'll return and like you said, increasing his already warped perception of his real impact on lives other then his own, which is a null and void proposition from what I have heard and seen. I don't think any serious adults think of him as being anything bhut a confused and lost man who needs serious care and concern from those who fear for him. I agree, his ego might be so outsized that everything he touches is doomed. It's quite sad, really. It's worse than rubber necking a car wreck as you drive's more like watching helplessly as the accident starts to happen and following the action from start to finish. I think it's a form of Fall River Bread and Circus presented by the Karams. If they care about him at all they should make getting help a condition of being allowed back!


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!