Thursday, October 15, 2009


" With Patrick’s announcement still fresh, state Rep. Kevin Aguiar, D-Fall River, said it was too early to commit to 9C cuts as a method to solve the state’s budget woes.“I think the last thing that should be cut is local aid,” Aguiar said. “I think the we need to look at state agencies first and determine if those cuts can bridge the gap. Aguiar also said he did not know how much Patrick may seek to take from local aid, but suggested the legislature wait before taking action in hopes the economy will continue to improve.“Hopefully the state will be able to meet future benchmarks, the revenue will turn around and we won’t have to make these cuts,” Aguiar said."
(source: Fall River Herald News 10/15/09)

These are the words of wisdom from Kevin Aguiar, Representative for the 7th Bristol District, House of Representatives. I'm so glad this guy is not MY representative.
Kevin "sports cards for fun and enjoyment, only" Aguiar cuts a fine figure, if you like your politicians not too bright, but almost bright enough to get themselves arrested. Yes, we don't need to re-hash all that gambling stuff, I know, everyone is entitled to a mistake while serving the public. But this guy has made a career out of playing "Micky the Dunce" while BEING "Kevy the Dunce" throughout his public service career. That's what we Irish call the daily double, a term with which I'm sure Kevy-boy is very familiar.
Now we come to a real crisis, not the kind Kevy-boy is familiar with what-so-ever. You see, this appears to be a rotten case of deja vu for you and I and all the OTHER public employees of Fall River. But not for Kevy-boy. No, he was probably found asleep at his seat in the House of Representatives the last time the legislature approved the Governor's request to allow him emergency powers to make 9C cuts mid year through FY09. That's the only thing that could have explained the, excuse the expression, "brain fart", that occurred when Kevy-boy spoke to a reporter from the Fall River Herald News (HN) about today's announcement by the Governor of a $600 million revenue deficit for the current fiscal year.
I mean, when there was a $700 million shortfall last fiscal year, right around Christmastime, the present the City received was a layoff of what, ONLY 150 employees! The cry went out then that it would have hurt a lot less locally if there were more time over which to spread the cuts. With the entire intelligent world knowing that there is a serious recession going on in the U.S. and that things don't look too encouraging in terms of income tax growth in states like Massachusetts for the next 12 to 24 months, Kevy-boy decides to make a plea for more time before making cuts with the hope that the economy rebounds in the next six months or so. PURE GENIUS. SCARY SHMMMMAHHT this guy is! Oh yes, that's right, I used the term "entire intelligent world". Sorry, my bad, because that obviously leaves out Kevy-boy!
This guy is scary all right but it sure isn't because he's any relation of Einstein. He inherited little bobby correia's seat in the House, and blindly voted little bobby's way on the School Committee for the last two years. That itself is scary enough. But to say what he did to the HN, given what happened last year, is the scariest thing I've heard spoken by a member of the City's legislative delegation in my 30 years in Fall River. He's so out of touch I simply have to ascribe it to his being as dumb as the day is long. Enjoy your award Kevy-boy, you've earned it!


  1. Your an asshole! How about the fact that last year there were no signs of the economy turning around, so it was obvious that the only option was the reduction in local aid. Thank God somebody wants to say enough is enough and let this round of cuts start at the state!!!

  2. A candidate I know said the Herald News endorsement interview was "lisa and two gay guys," and Lisa told stupid jokes and giggled and the gay guys kept quiet n wrote it down. At the end of the inteview, the candidate thanked them and asked for their votes and all three of them said they couldn't vote because they lived out side Fall River. What is wrong with the non-local paper?

  3. No sir, that would more correctly be "you're an asshole" not your, unless YOU'RE talking about YOURS...get it? Nope, didn't think so...And yes, from time to time I have had that appelation correctly applied, but in this case, YOUR guy is still a moron, and the styate economy is CLEARLY NOT looking up at all, or there would be no need to make 9C cuts...and a coming they are! Got that Mrs. Aguiar? Good, and make sure you take the Pats and the points this week!

  4. corrections above:
    appellation,state...thank you!

  5. What's wrong with our paper....where do I begin - look, the easiest way to describe what goes on is that it really is only interested in advertising money, and will cow-tow to the powers that be who can influence local vendors, regardless of how often Strattan begs to differ. We don't have a 4th estate in the's more like a threes stooges skit, you know, estate 6 and 7/8's.


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!