Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The recently revealed plan to "federalize" various properties held by the Fall River Housing Authority (FRHA) is, on its face, something that is sorely needed and should be a real benefit for the elderly and handicapped citizens of Fall River. But note the end of that last sentence, "for the benefit for the elderly and handicapped citizens of Fall River".
The current problem that sits like the elephant in the living room is the transplantation of the state's poorest individuals to Fall River, usually living in properties held by the FRHA. They bring with them drug and violent crime problems, family upheaval, all types of social and cultural pathologies, and act as a drain on precious public resources. This has to end and it has to end now.
The ability to improve the life of Fall River's indigent population is fantastic. Better living areas and possible lower rents for the elderly add a great deal to the quality of life to the clients the FRHA serves. The issue comes in the form of ever growing numbers of younger, more drug addicted, more criminally oriented adults residing next to the truly handicapped and elderly populations in many of these "mixed" residential properties. This is no secret across the City. Just ask the police who regularly patrol these properties. Just ask the residents who ask for more patrols to quell the illegal activity, tension and fear that inculcate these places. These elderly and handicapped people may be largely indigent, but they too have a right to live in security and peace. Living next door to some 18 year old with a drug addiction and prostitution background, as well as various psychological diagnoses, does not a pleasant living atmosphere make. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! There must be some legal way to pre-screen these people and send them to a location, if you must accept them, that will provide the most peace of mind to the largest number of FRHA clients. It only makes common sense. It will probably make more sense in policing efficiency as well.
Why turn every location into Maple Gardens, where each child grows up living like they are in the middle of the children's story "Where The Wild Thing Are". Unfortunately, unlike Max in the original story, the innocent citizens living there cannot stare down the drug dealers and thugs and become king of the wild things. Trying that would probably get you capped! Or at least beat down severely, with everyone there calling you a "snitch". What is wrong in a City where a 76 year old woman has to be terrorized by some young gang affiliated punk for calling the police to get them to lower their stereo at 2 A.M.? But that's exactly the type of thing that happens everyday, not just at Maple Gardens, but at the Elderly/Handicapped federal properties described as the ones slated for improvement. It just doesn't make sense. And we should not stand for it.
The elderly and handicapped residents in FRHA properties now live in fear that every night, and especially on the 1st and 15th of the month, when SSI and State Welfare checks are sent, the younger, nastier residents will start a "Wild Rumpus", which turns to abject terror after the check money runs out and everyone has to lock themselves down to prevent thefts and assaults by these drug crazed morons. The FRHA knows this. The entire City knows this.
No, it's time to leave "where the wild things are" to childern's literature and not something the least able to protect themselves have to live through. The Mayor appoints individuals to the FRHA Board. It is absolutely essential that measures be taken to curb the importation of the states problems just because we may have some empty FRHA apartments or a lower cost of living. It's not fair, and it's not right. Let's make sure we change it!

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