Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just Take My Wallet you Collection of Monkey Asses!

Well, I'm so glad that the big, huge red monkey's pittoot shown above appears to be shaped like a heart, because what is about to happen at the School Department must have been a real labor of love for School Superintendent Meg Mayo Brown. I mean , it's not everyday you get to send  $10,000 to an old friend for work they have already done. Just look at what I wrote yesterday in my "Quick Hits" entry:

" Why is there such a need to hire Northeastern University for $27,000 worth of consultants at the School Department, admittedly out of Title I Grant funds, to construct a "District Five Year Startegic Plan" and "developing readiness schools" in Fall River , and also $10, 000 to a Ms. Jennifer Unger for consulting services to "Facilitation of the development of District Improvement Plan". Could it be that MMB, who is attending the PhD program at Northeastern, is trying to buy her way into a PhD, or possibly granting contracts to friends in either case? I'm simply asking a couple of questions here! I do so because a whole bunch of the School appropriation was used to bring into School Adminsitration higly paid adminstrators at the expense of teaching and other positions! Don't those administrators know how to administrate? Are they also friends of MMB? These are serious questions that require answers. From one patronage swine to another, apparently. Ahhh, the legacy of Ol' Hamhocks continues before the body has left the building. "

When I wrote that, it was more than just a "WAG", to use a Public Finance term of art I learned on the job. ( "WAG" was used to describe a projection of revenues that lacked necessary data to verify it's accuracy - "WAG" ='s WILD ASS GUESS). It was based on over 20 years of experience in the public sector and having seen things done 1,000 different ways. But the one's that immediately catch you are the one's, the really arrogant and stupid one's, that stick out like sore thumbs, and are easy to read, once you know the types of political actors involved. This is one of those things. Trust me when I tell you this is nothing new at all. It is far too common across municipalities everywhere. I'm sure it's been happening here, with this particular cast of characters, for some time. It's what happens when arrogance born of unfettered power meets opportunity. Imagine my complete lack of surprise when I was sent this by a friend who saw the entry online today:
" sdunn599
6 hours ago
Report Abuse

Unger is an old pal of MMB's from the DOE. How do we spell nepotism???
Unger already trained many administrators to write these plans, but then they were fired!
All they need to do is substitute the new data into Unger's original plan, but that would mean no money for Unger.):
And yes MMB is getting a ED.D from Northeastern (in Swansea). Then we can pay HER more!
QOB- these people would never make it in a classroom! "

Someone on the inside is talking....Nice...real nice! Why don't you just take my damn wallet! No, take ALL of our wallets, and just dump them out! The contents are yours. You want them, take them. Lying swine...absolute lying swine are the worst creatures in a municipality. Arrogant lying swine are unacceptable. WE got rid of one of them via vote. Why are we allowing another great thief to stay and continue the tradition? How stupid are we?
You and I both know this woman was involved in Dr. Fischer's show trial and demise here in Fall River - you'd have to be a granite head not to know this! We also know that morale among real teaching professionals in the system is at an all time low. Funny how it lines up so well with her being Superintendent. High paid adminsitrators, many no doubt personal friends of this phony, unable to administer or complete the planning required to satisfy the requirements of the DOE plan! I mean, this "close buddy" hiring is more than predictable - it's her pathology, it's how she manages. We get rid of one tyrant, but now we have to suffer through his progeny. Let's not replace those teachers who jumped ship because they saw the handwriting on the wall, no, let's fill the schools  with more unqualifed temp friends of friends to keep our kids stupid and hopeless. After all, what's a year when you have a " woman with a master plan". I'm sure she's waiting for her buddy to come up with suggestions, no doubt given to Ms. Unger by  "Daughter of Satan" Mayo Brown, to accomplish the hiring of more of her permanent automotons, fresh graduates of Northeastern and UMass/ Dartmouth (to satisfy the local yokels) to create a system she can control that "will live for a thousand years". Sounds too much like the Third Reich to me! AND YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT ALL!
Where is the School Committee in all this? Just where they were for the last two years, knowing in their hearts that this is so wrong, yet frozen in fear, not of Ol' Hamhocks, but of the reckoning that no doubt awaits the end of the Crazy Train when it smashes into the station a year or two down the track! To late to change tracks now! They will let this process run until Daughter of Satan screws up bigtime and then complete their own "Night of the Long Knives" on MMB. This also is quite predictable. My proof?...Just take a glance back to just a little over a year ago! And Fischer ALREADY had HIS Ed.D...and we didn't even have to pay for it! Yeah, that's right. If ya didn't know, as part of her contract we get to pay for MMB's ED.D. But that's OK...I'm told getting one at Northeastern's Swansea location is a lot like passing one of those degree programs for an online school. I guess that fits though. Fall River has been faking it's Schools for a long, long time. Why change now. Besides, after emptying our wallets, there's no change left.

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Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!