Tuesday, November 17, 2009


"Fall River School Committee plans special meeting
By Will Richmond
Herald Hews Staff Reporter
Posted Nov 17, 2009 @ 01:05 PM
The School Committee will hold a special meeting on Monday, Nov. 23, to discuss recommendations for the position of interim recovery chief financial officer.The meeting is scheduled to take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Henry Lord Middle School, 151 Amity St. The position is required as part of the state mandated recovery plan to improve the school system.
The interim hire is expected to address issues identified in the district’s accountability and Massachusetts School Business Officials reviews and lead the recruitment and selection process for a permanent CFO. The interim person will also aid in the transition once a full-time employee is selected for the position. Raquel Pellerin has served as the school department’s interim CFO for about a year and half."
Ah yes, Ms Raquel Pellerin. Fall River native, graduate of UMASS/Dartmouth for both undergraduate and graduate degrees, MBA, and all around utility player for both the School Department and City Hall. Moves easily between the City Auditor's Office (accounting clerk) to the School Department (Grants administration) all the way up to the position of Director of OMBA, ol' Hamhocks Office of Management, Budget and Accountability, three terms I thought were mutually exclusive from ol' Hamhocks running of the Mayoral Office for the last two years.
Yes, I'm right. After a brief review of even briefer attempts by ol' Hamhocks' Administration to provide real management, meaningful , timely and transparent budgets, and most critically, not being able to be accountable for a damn thing , I must say they are most certainly mutually exclusive entities! And to top it off, Rocky Racoon Pellerin was not only hand picked by ol' Hamhocks to fill this position created for her, but she is the very same Manager under his control that keeps waffling on whether there is a deficit in this years (FY10) School Budget. Hence my moniker for her, the Schizophrenic School
CFO. (There's a deficit, there's no deficit, THERE'S A DEFFFFFIIICITTT, NO! THERE'SSSSS NNNNOOOoooooOOOOO DEFIIiiiiccciiittt) Just like Ed Muskie in Hunter S. Thompson's classic work "Fear and Loathing On the Campaign Trail", methinks Rocky would do well to obtain some of Ed's IGOBAINE and return to normal!
"Fall River Excellent" is the term that MUST be used to describe Rocky's ability to screw everything up that she touches. Her parents must have been faves of ol' Hamocks, that I can tell you. I'm still kinda curious about the aborted attempt at coming to terms with Freetown at the beginning of 2008 for that Town Accountant position. That's usually a sign that someone with these advanced degrees wants out of a bad work situation....Could that have been...with Dr. Fischer? Who knows, all I know is that Ms. All World financial genus wanted to work for that paragon of management excellence, the Town of Freetown, you know, that "impressive" little town next door with the "colorful" Freetown State Forest.
Maybe she wanted to search the State Forest for the elusive and legendary CHUPACABRA in order to make sense of the loss of life surrounding the forest in Freetown.
" The elusive creature known as the Chupacabra has been commonly reported in parts of Mexico and Latin American communities throughout the last 50 years. The name's translation is "goat sucker" as farmers would find their cows sucked dry of blood after witnessing a Chupacabra.
The way the creature in the above video is hunched over, suggests that this could in fact be the world's first video of a real life Chupacabra.
Notice the large slanted eyes and appearance similarities to the alien grey. Is a Chupacabra a primitive form of extraterrestrial on the loose ? We are keeping our eye on this one! "
Yes, a perfect explanation for all that job jumping. It's not banal favoritism, aggressive opportunism or even tasteless patronage going on here, it's the use of her advanced degree to do the hallowed work of sacred science, to search the primeval forests and nether regions of Southeastern Massachusetts for the elusive and dangerous CHUPACABRA! And what other municipality could be considered more primeval and nether on the Southcoast than Fall River! I have been far too harsh! She blinded me with science! (BEEP_BOO_BOOP)! I have it all wrong! Silly me indeed.
But wait...what could be more rare the the elusive CHUPACABRA, you ask? Could it be....yes, it just might be.......YES DEFINTELY...it's the fabled "Nationwide Search for Qualified Candidates" for the permanent CFO position, something not seen on the Southcoast, or Fall River, for decades. Long thought to be extinct, proof of it's existence will be tested in the next year or so by the Fall River School Committee and the very impartial and scientific Rocky Racoon Pellerin.
And if you really believe that the fix for that job hasn't already been made, that would be more rare than the fabled CHUPACABRA!


  1. Laz, allow me to give you some advice on your blog. Your blog can be informative but it hurts the eyes.

    1) I don't know what you are doing with pictures, but there are often overlapping pictures.

    2) I don't want to read about Martha Coakley every day. In fact, I just skip those posts. They look like they are taken verbatim from Coakley's campaign email.

    3) Write shorter posts, they are just too long.

    4) Use a line in between paragraphs. The CFO article would be better if the information was separated with paragraphs.

  2. I to am puzzled by the apparent running togther of the lines of text, because there are none when I draft them..it comes ans goes...and on my screen, the pictures do not overlap either when at the drafting stage or actual posting....if you have any suggestions about how to correct the text issue, plase feel free to suggest something...in terms of the pics, I'm not sure what to do, because on MY screen , it looks fine...I'll try to leave more space all the way around...thanks for the feedback...

    Oh , as for Martha Coakley...they ARE lifted from he site...I think she's a great candidate..so...feel free to skip those ads...

    As for the length of the articles....I write until I'm done...lol...but thanks for you suggestion anyways...if others want shorter, motr pithy newslike things, i'll change...yours is the firsttime anyone' has thought them too long!


  4. Hey...I'm just a humble business man here...I gotta do what the customer wants...GO LONG...lol!


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!