Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ol' Hamhocks Memorial Hot Dog Stand and Crapper! Oh , Yes, How Very Fitting Indeed!!!

Yes , he most ceratinly did. (referring to the cartoon -right) I will not be surprised if we find out Ol' Hamhocks had a privy privy put into place just for his pretentious "Royal" MOON, and that the seat was one of those U.S. Defense Department jobbies that usually run around $20K a pop. After all, we didn't re-elect him, so his Michael Jackson-like petulant spending spree on construction deals continues unabated. I guess you have to be able to feel some shame before you can know it. That's why he feels NO SHAME. He doesn't recognize it. Not when all of his supporters/hangers on/patronage crew still haven't completely accepted his total and complete rejection by the City's voters at the polls. How is this for shame you incompetent, bad driving joke of a spendthrift. YOU MUST HAVE REALLY SCREWED THE POOCH BECAUSE YOU ARE THE FIRST MAYOR IN MODERN FALL RIVER HISTORY NOT TO BE RE-ELECTED. YOU WERE SO LAME YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE FINALS. BITE DOWN HARD ON THAT ONE YOU SHAMEFUL FOOL!

I watched this immortal horses ass play with Joe Martin  at the School Committee Meeting the other night when Joe simply wanted to voice some concerns about the issue of "Retirements". Then this cretin of a soon to be gone Mayor acts as if the only thing he knows is a certain couple of pages of  "Roberts Rules of Order". What a monumental phony. He cannot tolerate anyone going against him on anything. IT'S  A TRULY INSECURE MAN WHO CAN LISTEN TO NO ONE ELSE'S OPINION.  Just an obstinate ASS! I didn't vote for you two years ago because when I worked at DOR years ago we used to make jokes about what sort of a moron you were, known widely as the least effective and knowledegable man in the entire State House by those who knew all that went on there. Your only claim to state wide fame was when Howie Carr of the Boston Herald skewerd your rear end in one of his famous "Hackarama" articles. I am so glad you are gone so that I no longer have to spit on the ground and make the sign of the cross each time I discuss what goes on down here with those I know still working in municipal management and finance. Six more lousy weeks of pain. I hope Will has already arranged to have your office fumigated after your stinky behind is out the door. ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

( I feel so much better!)

The entire process for this issue has been a complete sham. Glad handing City Council members, many of them who would be better off playing the "Glory Days" tape inside their heads before voting on high school athletics issues, gutless followers of fashion also on the Council, yes-men who work for DUH MAYAH (have any of you guys ever said NO to this guy? EVER? Women like that you know - men with
an actual pair of testicles, that is) and an unknowing public who understand so little about the financial situation in their City that they allow such stupidity on a regular basis.

Only one City Council member saw fit to oppose this expenditure of funds. Appeals to let the new Mayor make the call on this item went nowhere. Even allowing these funds to be used as a reserve to fund probable school building repairs were ignored. NO, not one person offcially suggested applying the left over construction funds against the debt outstanding on the project, lowering the City's debt service by that amount plus additional proportional interest debt, saving the taxpayers upwards of a cool half million budgeted dollars over the life of the loan! Think about that the next time you drive by the athletic fields and see where the "Royal" buttisimo wants to take a  never ending dump all over you. And you approved it because you elected them!
 Hey folks, I voted for one, count 'em, one incumbent for City Council . So I own NONE of what just happened at the last Council meeting. Enjoy what the Shlock just cooked up for you, to paraphrase another great sports ACTOR , because you voted for this collection of morons, psychopaths and mental defectives, not me! But I tell you what, I'll gladly supply the red and white corn stalks! (see pic above)

Then, of course, came the discussion of the specifics of the building. Most of these type of structures have more than one purpose. Usually a central part is the storage of athletic equipment closer to the playing fields. This became a point of discussion, the size, style and functionality of the propsed structure.

Would it be a cinder block or red brick facing. Would it be simply toilet facilities and concession stands, with a small storage area, or just concessions and toilets or a large storage are with the other two central functions as well. MY oh my, decisions, decisions. You mean to tell me this was not decided BEFORE the amount was suggested then approved ? I don't get this.....why be concerned with the type of outside finish if you've got carte blanche' to spend?

This was a "rush to judgement" without Marcia Clark and OJ. I still don't understand why a concrete (no pun intended) proposal, for a structure of X feet by X feet, and including the following X functions, and with attached price tags for each version, was not available.  Nothing this current Mayor does makes sense in the normal world. Not since day one  in office has this guy done anything for this City that did not have a self aggrandizing scheme or motive attached. He has made certain that he profits in some form or fashion, wheter it be votes, power or "contributions", from every possible decision he made and still makes.

Well, Mayor-elect Flanagan will have his hand full with this cast of City Council characters. Will, don't trust a single one of the many folks who also hold elective office in  Fall River. I think you are smart to "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer", if the Transition Team is any indication. You and I both know that one, maybe two, guarenteed future opponents are sitting there just waiting for your first back step. To hell with them all. Do your thing your way. Most of them are weak sheep anyways, as the discussion and vote over "L'affaire Dunghouse" indicates. True politicians...wave greenbacks needing to be spent under their noses and they become insatiable ass kissers. How very sad indeed.
Will, if you become a Profile In Courage, you will no doubt be standing alone on a lofty perch somewhere. I sincerely hope it will be on top of City Hall and not on top of the "Ol' Hamhocks Memorial Hot Dog Stand and Crapper". Could you eat a hot dog from that stand after knowing what you know? It's sure to be a very expensive Hot Dog...and Crap!


  1. This weekend you have to do HOT DOGS!! No more Russells. LOL

  2. I caught the meeting and the city treasurer told the council the money had to be used for a school construction project that would benefit the public for something like 20 years. Paying down debt or saving the money to fix schools in the future all sound like good ideas to me but it sounds like your opinion on how it can be spent is at odds with the city's opinion.

  3. There is no legal prohibition to using the procedes of bond issues to pay down existing principl debt on those issus. THAT, if that was truly what he said, is false.
    Also, if the Bond Issue article or warrant language allowed for bond procedes to pay for realted long term repairs, it could also be used for that purpose.

  4.'ll do an extra special LONG set of "HOT DOG, ITS HOT DOG DOGS" this weekend in Honor of the "Ol' Hamhocks Memorial Hot Dog Stand and Crapper". However, in honor of the soon to be ended job of Mr. Frank, Esq., I think Hot Dog should be erased for the Concession stand forever, and in it's place the term "FRANK" be used.....


Hey...feel free...what your about to write is probably just fine...but try to write what Prof. Kingfield of the movie Paper Chase wanted his students to speak aloud....FILL THE BLOG WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!