Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We've seen this before...and it's UGLY!

This is what Russia built in Berlin to prevent         people from jumping out from behind the iron curtain.
Ugly, crude, and effective.

Diman, Aggie info sessions called off for middle-schoolers.
By Will Richmond
Herald News Staff Reporter
Posted Nov 30, 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Last update Nov 30, 2009 @ 09:59 PM
FALL RIVER — Citing a need to improve academic performance at the middle school level, Superintendent Meg Mayo-Brown has barred high schools from providing informational sessions to students on their options after the eighth grade.
Mayo-Brown said with adequate yearly progress and scores at the middle schools in need of improvement, she has directed middle school principals to focus students on learning.

Focus on learning....that's funny. Really a hoot. These last few days of the reign of Ol' Hamhocks LaRue are starting to look suspiciously like the last days of Caligula, or Joe Stalin, or Richard Nixon , for crying out loud! All the last minute appointments of his freinds, campaign backers and old employees to municipal and related jobs has been simply astonishing for it's scope and thoroughness.
 This decrepit pile of turgid flesh and growing more senile everyday cretin learned only one lesson during all those years at the State House, but oh, what a lesson it was: Take with both hands, all the time, every where you go, everything you see and never, ever respond for one second to questions about it, because the day you do and don't just walk away will be the day it all ends.
One case in point is the atrocious behavior of the Diman Regional School Board trying to ram through an extension of the contract for it's legal counsel,  a move supported by Ol' Hamhocks appointments to the Board, one who was a City Attorney about to get the axe in January  and one a sitting City Councilor, a man so bad as an Accounting Officer at the County Jail that they have consistently run in the red. But he smiles like the character "Sport Coat" all the time. I guess the old timers who vote in Fall River dig the ear to ear insincere grin of a moronic jackass more than they want qualified people like Mike Miozza. Go figure, because I sure can't! Way to go Brian Bigelow-low for working so hard to do everything in executive session so nobody would know what was contained within said contract. Old man Larkin, to Hades with you too. Time to retire before you do any more damage. Hackarama par excellence!

Now to the main course for the evening. When you have a state law, it's best to follow in the spirit, not just the letter of the law, especially when you have the state looking over your shoulder watching everything you do. MMB? Do you have ANY brain cells that function independently from Ol' Hamhocks? Are you so fearful of your own hedious performance following his lead that you are willing to rob every Fall River child and their families the lawful right to seek information about other school systems on their (City) time?! I mean, their time in a normal school day, like it has always been done in virtually every school system in this state!
The worst part of this new mess is the reason MMB gives for making the families and students go exclusively on after school time to meet with outside school systems like Diman Rgeional and the County Aggie School. MMB stated that it was to "have middle school principals focus students on learning." HA! That's a good one! MMB, you care about the great mass of kids learning so much that you teach EXCLUSIVELY to the MCAS test in middle schools. HA! That's one sad joke.
Where have we seen this, this, oh, how shall I put this....corraling of students to prevent them from leaving to seek a better life elsewhere. Let's see...Oh yeah, how about the "Iron Curtain" spread by  totalitarian Russia over all of it's holdings in eastern Europe after WWII! You know, THE BERLIN WALL...built to keep people IN! They tried and succeeded in keeping their best and brightest from leaving those failed states for several decades. Never produced a single thing they wanted , though. There's an object lesson there somewhere. Too bad ALL the kids in Fall River are destined NOT to come up with it , however, thanks to the english and arithmatic queen, MMB!

 Doesn't this picture above say it all...Papa Gepetto standing behind his hand picked and carefully carved puppet, MMB! He thinks it and she does it. And imagine that feckless School Committee allowing this crap to happen. HA! They are so afraid they will loose personal power if they don't get MCAS socres up , even just a couple of points, they are willing to co-sign this idiot Superintendent's B.S.. They should all resign, because what they are allowing is in direct opposition to caring for "The Kids". There is no amount of denial or mental gymnastics on their part to justify this one. I hope the kids start reacting to being locked away in a virtual prison camp by refusing to perform well on the MCAS. In fact, I think the kids should be told by parents all over the system to spend time learning ALL their subjects, not just english and arithmatic, and to tank on the MCAS test on purpose, just to get new people voted onto the School Committee and just to replace MMB. It will only take the next round of test scores, trust me on this. One more bad round of test scores and she's DONE! That's obvious, and it's why she's become the equivalent of a prison guard and nothing more. Rancid smells coming from the School Department. What a contemptable shame.


  1. LOL @ "Sport Coat"!!! You slay me buddy! I used to take music lessons from Bigelow way back the day. Real nice guy, helluva drummer, but about as useful to City Government as an A-Hole on my elbow.

    ..."Sport Coat", heh heh...




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